Elvis & Imposters play Memphis on April 22, 2008

Pretty self-explanatory
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sweetest punch
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Elvis & Imposters play Memphis on April 22, 2008

Post by sweetest punch »

Thanks to Mood swung:


Elvis and the Imposters play the New Daisy Theatre in Memphis on April 22, 2008
Since you put me down, it seems i've been very gloomy. You may laugh but pretty girls look right through me.
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Re: Elvis & Imposters play Memphis on April 22, 2008

Post by johnfoyle »

Carlene Carter is doing support on the Memphis and Tennessee shows -


She's doing good these days -

http://www.countrystandardtime.com/d/ar ... s_Stronger
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Re: Elvis & Imposters play Memphis on April 22, 2008

Post by johnfoyle »

Anyone here going to this?

Furthermore, what's the chance of Elvis tagging along at this?

http://djdavidjett.blogspot.com/2008/04 ... d-day.html

Saturday, April 19, 2008
National Record Day!

It's National Record Day! So go out and buy something!

Spin Street, a Memphis music store, has some special stuff going on today...sales, bands, etc. But what I'm excited about is the in-store coming up Tuesday.

Of course, Tuesday, April 22 is the date for the Elvis Costello show at the New Daisy Theatre on Beale St. and the opening act is Carlene Carter!

That day at noon, Carlene is doing a special performance/signing at Spin Street at Poplar and Highland. Don't miss it!


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Re: Elvis & Imposters play Memphis on April 22, 2008

Post by bronxapostle »

i'm ready for the setlist!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Elvis & Imposters play Memphis on April 22, 2008

Post by jmm »

You said it ba!!!
I too am a limited, primitive kind of man
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Re: Elvis & Imposters play Memphis on April 22, 2008

Post by bronxapostle »

yeah jmm....it will be a good setlist night as E STREET returns to the stage after burying DANNY! GOD REST HIM always! it's so funny to count the times i had seen FEDERICI on the keyboards and it tallied 38. it's so almost like losing a friend. so, think of E ST in tampa and we got EC & crew in memphis. hope EVERYONE has a good time on the stage and in the audience. maybe E will give homage to DANNY as well........let me go get to side four of MOMOFUKU before the METS game. after 3 sides, got to let it run around your head a little. like i always say, the albums that don't grab you immediately, snatch you up fiercer down the road apiece. but, looks like ANOTHER EC classic! VINYL FOREVER!!!!!!
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Re: Elvis & Imposters play Memphis on April 22, 2008

Post by bronxapostle »

nobody went???
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Re: Elvis & Imposters play Memphis on April 22, 2008

Post by martinfoyle »

Dave Weil has just posted these comments on the eclistserv

Black suit, black shirt, purple tie, purple pointy shoes.

I think.

Phew. Hell of a show. Lots of new songs. And they definitely weren't a
drag on the show.

The Imposter! Done at breakneck speed.

Femme Fatale! Is this a song he's ever covered before? (ps. Big Star's
is waaaay better - his was a little more mainstream - it was funny
though, Davey smiled when he saw that I recognized the song).

In fact, the last cluster of songs before the first encore was just
incredible. All hard and fast hitting songs (about 5 in a row
including said Imposter. If I remember correctly (which I probably
don't), it started with Beyond Belief and just built from there (I"m
pretty sure that You Belong To Me was in there). Let me just say that
it was what you'd hope would be the core of a "Greatest Hits" show
would be. Let's put it this way, when Radio Radio is almost as fast as
The Imposter, life is good.

He's got a new Taylor 12 string. Did a few songs on it, including Man
Out of Time. I'm guessing there's going to be an Elvis signature
Taylor in the works <chuckle>.

Yes, Mr. Jenny Lewis and his buddies came out and played the last
encores. It was like a scene from Almost Famous. I swear that once of
the guys was Billy Crudup with a big floppy hat.

Well, I'm a little fried from my drive back to Nashville. So I'll
leave it to others to fill in the many gaps. But I can tell you that
those of you who have worried about Elvis don't need to. He is
energetic and engaged, and has a slew of new stuff to play. And he's
playing the right old stuff as well. If his song selection is any
indication, the opening shows for the Police will be cracking. It will
be interesting to see if he keeps the energy level at the Ryman. My
guess is that he won't be so "ferocious" (it was the perfect energy
for a black-painted ex movie theater with no seats on the floor -
standing only with seats in the balcony). It will be interesting to
see what he throws into the mix.

Oh, I'll let Slo tell the page-turning joke, although you might have
to wait for that one since I don't know when he's going to report in.

Oh yeah, Carlene still has *that* voice and a talent for songwriting
and storytelling. I never would have recognized her though. Never in a
million years. She's a firecracker, although I told Slo that I thought
that her version of Ring of Fire was the Howie Epstein version, i.e.
sounded like she had just done a bunch of smack.

I wanted to yell out, "I saw one of your 3 ex's last night" - good
thing I didn't because she brought #4 out to sing with her on one

Right before she went off, she said that Steve Nieve was the godfather
to one of her children and that "ole golden throat" would be out

Definitely did these.

> American Gangster Time - Spare arrangement - lotsza guitar, still not
> crazy bout the chorus melody, but it grows on ya... plus it rocks, so
> that's a plus..

Definitely not sparse in concert. Played on the Magnatone if I
remember correctly.

> Harry Worth - Kinda a distorted "Long Honeymoon" as has been suggested..
> Another one that is growing on me

He said this was written about a married set of fans. I think he said
he met them on their wedding night (maybe they were married before one
of his shows?). He used to see them at a lot of shows and after a
while, it was obvious that they were having problems. "He'd come
backstage and drink all of our beer. Then at a later show, she'd come
backstage and drink all of our beer".

> Flutter and Wow - This is just stunning, in my opinion. An old school
> soul ballad with lotsa Steve piano and no EC guitar - feels swinging and
> effortless where, say "Either Side of the Same Town" is labored and
> mannered. I just love this one... seems like maybe a first or so take
> too, since he shouts to the bridge right before the end.. yes the song
> ends with the bridge

I liked this song live.

> My Three Sons - This sound should piss me off since it is so
> sentimental... EC is the "Humble Father of My Three Sons" and such, But is
> is such an obviously heartfelt and honest song, again the effect is just
> stunning and goose-bump inducing to me. It helps that though it is a
> ballad, it is not overly slow, more mid paced and (Like everthing else
> here) well sung.

Very touching but not maudlin.

> Pardon Me Madam My Name is Eve - nice - lotsa raw guitar

Hilarious story about writing with Loretta Lynn. Said she blows into a
room like a whirlwind (ironically, he did this right after River in
Reverse). Said she had a fistfull of pieces of paper with song titles
scribbled on them. He mentioned a couple of them, which were
hilarious. He said that this was one of the titles and that she said
that it was about Adam's second wife.

> Go Away - Just an out and out garage rocker that, well, rocks.... This is
> the one that gets in my head the most, with some great farfisa type organ
> (Not done by Steve - weird that).. And just really simple "Why don't you
> come back to me, why don't you go away", etc... Seems maybe another first
> take as it fades in and EC counts it off after that....

And if you think that this will be the show closer - well, lets just
say you might be wrong.

He did a few other songs (I think I've already mentioned that he did
Turpentine), but frankly, not knowing the titles in my head didn't
really help. I'm guessing that he did at least three more.

Oh yeah, he was in great voice. Hit the high notes in Either Side of
the Same Town, didn't do a lot of the ambulance siren warbling, was on
pitch and key all of the time and sang the melody lines of various
songs "just right". I just remembered that he did Accidents on 12
string. Worked really well. And finally, it was strange, but when he
was talking during the encores, he sounded a bit like he was on
helium. Strangest thing ever. He pitched his speaking voice up.

And now, I go to sleep...
hi tone
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Re: Elvis & Imposters play Memphis on April 22, 2008

Post by hi tone »

It was a fantastic show! I can't remember all of the songs he played, but he did a lot from the new album. The review from Dave Weil pretty much says it all. Here are the old songs I remember (in no particular order):

Opening- new song
You Belong to Me
The Imposter
Either Side of The Same Town
Accidents Will Happen
The River in Reverse
Man Out of Time
Wonder Woman
Beyond Belief
Everyday I Write The Book
Radio, Radio

"Go Away" was very cool. I bought the LP at the show and listend to it several times when I got home (very tired today, and got to make the drive to Nashville soon!)

He did 3 encores (I think). Before the last one, they turned on some of the house lights and the PA system, but the die hards stayed around. He returned for one last song- Peace, Love, and Understanding.
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Re: Elvis & Imposters play Memphis on April 22, 2008

Post by migdd »

Jillbeast posted the Memphis setlist on listserv:

Setlist from 4/22/08 Memphis, TN Elvis and the Imposters

01. Stella Hurt
02. (I don't want to go to) Chelsea
03. Uncomplicated
04. Wonder Woman
05. Either Side of the Same Town
06. Everyday I Write The Book (new reworking)
Elvis talks about Momofuku being named after Mr. Momofuku Ando and
speaks of Ramen and Pot Noodles
07. Song With Rose
08. Accidents Will Happen
09. Harry Worth
10. Drum and Bones
11. Flutter and Wow
12. Femme Fatale (cover)
13. The River In Reverse
An anecdote about writing with Loretta Lynn and some song titles I
won't spoil em for you!
14. Pardon Me Madam (My Name Is Eve)
15. American Gangster Time
16. Beyond Belief
17. You Belong To Me
18. The Imposter
19. Radio Radio
20. My Three Sons
21. Man Out Of Time
Encore 1
22. No Hiding Place?
23. Turpentine
24. Go Away
6 Minutes Break
25. Peace Love and Understanding (all former with Farmer Dave Lap
Steel, Johnathan Wilson on Guitar and another guitar with Johnathan

That's it for now!

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Re: Elvis & Imposters play Memphis on April 22, 2008

Post by johnfoyle »

http://www.commercialappeal.com/news/20 ... m-new-era/


Nikki Boertman/The Commercial Appeal

Costello and his long-time bandmates, The Impostors, gave a capacity New Daisy crowd a strong finish after early sound and pacing issues.

Memphis Commercial Appeal

Review: Elvis Costello christens new album with Memphis show

By Bob Mehr
Thursday, April 24, 2008

Elvis Costello always has something cooking.

Just the other day, I finished reading an epic-length interview with the spectacled singer-songwriter in the new issue of British magazine The Word, in which Costello -- frustrated by the traditional, and rapidly fading, system of releasing records -- seemingly swore off making another album for the foreseeable future. "Something like 60 discs with my name on it have come out since the turn of the millennium," observed Costello. "There's a lot to choose from. I'd say let the blood soak into the ground for a while."

Still, Costello did allow that, "if I record again, it will be a very different way of doing it."

True to his word, I find myself holding a copy of a brand new Costello album, titled Momofuku (a nod to the Japanese inventor of cup noodles). Recorded quickly over a few days, mostly in February, with his band The Impostors, and a group of young Los Angeles rock scenesters, the record was rush-released into stores this week minus any of the usual prepublicity and as a vinyl-only title to boot (a CD version will follow next month).

As a result of this sudden (by music industry standards, at least) turn of events, Costello's Tuesday night show at the New Daisy -- ostensibly a warm-up gig before a long stretch opening arena shows for The Police -- became something of an album release celebration. (Costello joked that he's making a tradition of playing Memphis to christen each new record, as he did with 2004's The Delivery Man).

Clad in black and armed with a copper-colored Les Paul -- rather than his more familiar Fender Jazzmaster -- Costello opened playing dissonant guitar lines on catalog classics like "(I Don't Want To Go To) Chelsea" and "Uncomplicated." Unfortunately, the sound for this first burst of tunes was something less than stellar, with Pete Thomas' booming drums and Costello's sharp vocals dulled and lost amid a muddied mix.

Despite a few highlights -- including a co-write with Rosanne Cash called "Song With Rose" -- Costello misfired with an early set list filled with a half-dozen new numbers or older, yet slower, fare that seemed to sap the interest of the Daisy's capacity crowd.

Oddly -- given the wealth of Costello's own catalog -- the highlight of the show came mid-set with a harmony-laden cover of the Velvet Underground's "Femme Fatale," the version perhaps a tribute to local heroes Big Star (who covered it on their 3rd album) as much as to Lou Reed.

More new songs of varying quality followed, with Costello's estimable backing troupe, The Impostors -- drummer Thomas, keyboardist Steve Nieve and bassist Davey Faragher -- working hard to put each one across, and generally succeeding.

If the first part of the show was marred by sound problems, and the second weighted down by a selection of sluggish songs, Costello more than made up for it during the stretch run. He played a sparkling new number penned with country legend Loretta Lynn about the real reason behind the fall of man, titled "Pardon Me, Madam, My Name Is Eve." He then delivered a sterling rendition of "Man Out of Time" before slashing away at a toughened take on "The Impostor."

After a rousing run-through of "Radio Radio," Costello encored with Momofuku's somewhat soppy celebration of fatherhood, "My Three Sons." He then opened up the stage to a trio of young musicians who'd guested on the album, and have tagged along for the current jaunt: "Farmer" Dave Scher of Beachwood Sparks fame on lap slide, and singer-songwriter Johnathan Rice and session player Jonathan Wilson on guitars and vocals.

Together, the big band lineup worked its way through two of Momofuku's standouts, "Turpentine" and "Go Away," and a nightcapping "(What's So Funny 'bout) Peace, Love & Understanding" with Costello leading a series of long but satisfying jams.

The latter song brought the curtain down on an oddly paced but interesting set, marking the start of what appears to be something of a new era for Costello, and perhaps, the whole of the music business.

-- Bob Mehr: 529-2517
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Re: Elvis & Imposters play Memphis on April 22, 2008

Post by johnfoyle »

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Re: Elvis & Imposters play Memphis on April 22, 2008

Post by johnfoyle »

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Re: Elvis & Imposters play Memphis on April 22, 2008

Post by FAVEHOUR »

Here are links to FLAC downloads of the songs broadcast from this show, I recorded off the internet so not sure how good the quality will be. Links to mp3 downloads follow below.

Stella Hurt: http://www.mediafire.com/?xxzgtlvzcnp
Either Side: http://www.mediafire.com/?vswenymm8gb
Book: http://www.mediafire.com/?2zz9d091mdg
Song with Rose: http://www.mediafire.com/?o1xtczinj0x
Harry Worth: http://www.mediafire.com/?nv1chtbdrw7
Drum and Bone: http://www.mediafire.com/?dwtiz2uem3u
Flutter and Wow: http://www.mediafire.com/?vxjmnz0blon
Pardon Me Madam: http://www.mediafire.com/?vjz0jozvxao
Three Sons: http://www.mediafire.com/?wjjewmppwtq
Man out of Time: http://www.mediafire.com/?7op0dbwm3ny
Go Away: http://www.mediafire.com/?etbm3ncnxhn
PLU: http://www.mediafire.com/?rt22ntqxtvw

Here are the links if you want mp3:

Stella: http://www.mediafire.com/?9xi3wqds9mw
Either side: http://www.mediafire.com/?dlm2yeaxwis
Book: http://www.mediafire.com/?0zbrbcnnjfn
Rose: http://www.mediafire.com/?ivxo2w341me
Harry: http://www.mediafire.com/?hzv0x7zyfdz
Drum: http://www.mediafire.com/?ahhyjzwcxwx
Flutter: http://www.mediafire.com/?jevlmn22aif
Pardon Me: http://www.mediafire.com/?vcyj2quwxg2
Three Sons: http://www.mediafire.com/?mmlhbcdsmig
MOOT: http://www.mediafire.com/?xlmls9yognz
Go Away: http://www.mediafire.com/?mnwjmw1zydd
PLU: http://www.mediafire.com/?9wigbowwhfz

A few notes. The announcer talked over the last bit of Flutter and Wow and the last third of PLU. I edited this out by fading the tracks out. I also edited out the applause before the encore. Also for some reason they changed the running order and put Drum and Bone in a different spot, and left EC saying "That's called Drum and Bone!" after the song before it. So I fixed that and fixed the running order.

I hope this works. It's my first try at this.
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Re: Elvis & Imposters play Memphis on April 22, 2008

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Re: Elvis & Imposters play Memphis on April 22, 2008

Post by EarlManchester »

FAVEHOUR wrote:Here are links to FLAC downloads of the songs broadcast from this show, I recorded off the internet so not sure how good the quality will be. Links to mp3 downloads follow below.

I hope this works. It's my first try at this.
Well done! Thank you!
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Re: Elvis & Imposters play Memphis on April 22, 2008

Post by johnfoyle »

Elvis' revamped site has songs from this show-


Well , the start of the tracks. They fade after a minute or so.
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