Elvis at Marion McPartland March 20th ?

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Elvis at Marion McPartland March 20th ?

Post by johnfoyle »

Listen via this link -

http://www.npr.org/templates/story/stor ... =122322432

Marian McPartland On Piano Jazz, Part One

Elvis Costello Guest Hosts

by Grant Jackson

January 8, 2010 - This week's Piano Jazz marks a true milestone, as host Marian McPartland appears as a guest on the program with guest host Elvis Costello. In part one of this all-new interview, McPartland and Costello recount some memorable moments from the program's 30-year (and counting!) run.

The session opens with a mainstay of Piano Jazz — the duet. In a very fitting tribute to the program's 30th anniversary, Costello serenades McPartland as she plays on "Our Love is Here to Stay." Afterwards, McPartland adds, "That was a treat! I seldom get a chance to accompany you."

The First Ever Guest On Piano Jazz

Turning toward the subject of guests on the program, McPartland and Costello discuss the very first guest on Piano Jazz, Mary Lou Williams.

"I picked the wrong guest," McPartland says. "I adored her playing, but she was very tough."

Williams displays some apprehension in the interview clip played here, however, Costello says, "At the end, you had really won her over — she audibly relaxes. You actually did cajole her to vocalize, although she was not known as a singer."

Pianist Bill Evans also appeared on that first season, and gave an in-depth demonstration of rhythmic displacement on Cole Porter's tune, "All of You." Throughout the program's history, McPartland has interviewed many great players at length on the topic of technique and for musicians, it's an invaluable, didactic aspect of the program.

"It's extraordinary to hear someone of Bill Evans' level discuss the mechanics which go into the magic that we hear," Costello says.

The Story Of The Song

Next, McPartland and Costello discuss the opportunity to bring singers on to the program. When McPartland's friend and fellow female jazz artist, Rosemary Clooney, appeared, she addressed the challenges of raising a family and maintaining her career:

"When I first started I had five children in five years, and my work always involved a lot of travel," Clooney said. "Now they're all grown and I can really concentrate."

Clooney sings the Cole Porter tune, "Don't Fence Me In," with accompaniment by McPartland, who adds, "I just think you're better than ever!"

Costello notes McPartland's attraction to lyrics.

"You frequently comment on the story of the song, and particularly the melancholic romanticism," Costello says. Costello then sings another McPartland favorite, Rodgers and Hart's "Dancing On the Ceiling," with pianist Pete Malinveri.

Musical Portraits

The first installment of this interview ends with clips of two other regular Piano Jazz features: McPartland's on-the-spot musical portraits of her guests and improvisational invitations to them. McPartland describes her first ever portrait, created for pianist Chick Corea (here that full show here):

"I'll tell you the ingredients: A lot of strength, humor, energy, a lot of creativity, love, kindness," McPartland says. "I'm not going to have time for all of this!"

Finally, Teddy Wilson plays a brief sequence of five notes, which McPartland uses to improvise a heartfelt tune.

"Listening to your portraits and your five note compositions reminds me of when people speak about 'soul' in relation to music," Costello says. "It seems to me quite possible that everyone we have ever known or loved through music is with us in the chance turn of a phrase or a signature rhythm. I think you certainly have captured many of the ingenious personalities in this series so that they will be forever enduring."

Tune in next week for part two of this special session,
featuring performances by Marian McPartland with husband Jimmy McPartland, Dizzy Gillespie, and more. This program will also feature guest host Costello unveiling a new tune, "You Hung the Moon."

Set List

* With Elvis Costello
* "Our Love is Here to Stay" (G. Gershwin, I. Gershwin)

* With Mary Lou Williams
* "Rosa Mae" (M. L. Williams, L. Gales)
* Bill Evans
* "All of You" (C. Porter)
* With Rosemary Clooney
* "Don't Fence Me In" (C. Porter, R. Fletcher)
* Elvis Costello With Pete Malinveri
* "Dancing on the Ceiling" (R. Rodgers, L. Hart)

* "Limbo Jazz" (E. Ellington)
* "Am I Blue?" (H. Akst, G. Clarke)
* "Oh, What a Beautiful Morning" (R. Rodgers, O. Hammerstein)
* Marian McPartland, Solo
* "Portrait of Chick Corea" (M. McPartland)
* With Teddy Wilson
* "Improvisation" (M. McPartland, T. Wilson)
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Re: Elvis makes new Piano Jazz radio show, Jan. '10

Post by johnfoyle »

Elvis' singing and phrasing on 'Dancing on the Ceiling' - about 23 minutes in - is just perfect , not trying for difficult notes, just letting the song tell its tale. Pete Malinverni is good on piano. For a moment you'd almost think he was Steve Nieve - that good.


Am I Blue is Ray Charles singing , accompanied by Ms McPartland, a rare case of Ray letting someone else handle the keyboards. It's just magic.
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Re: Elvis makes new Piano Jazz radio show, Jan. '10

Post by Jack of All Parades »

Thank you for reminding me about this program, having forgotten that it was to air. Spent some time digesting it and eagerly await the second part next week. Had a great time with this. I sincerely hope that this is a direction EC moves into as he approaches later middle age. I do not believe that he possesses some massive intellect and suspect that he is of average intelligence like most of us. What he does possess to a great degree is an insatiable curiosity for the world around him and for music in particular; he is a true polymath. When combined with his ability to listen, which is a hard quality to master, it makes for an engaging person. You throw in wit and self-deprecation and you have what I would argue is a perfect host for such a program should and when Ms. McPartland retire. He clearly demonstrates an NPR voice. He can enunciate with the best and does not stumble when he speaks. Certainly the costs would not be prohibitive- some recording equipment, an available studio at a minimum. One can dream.

I would love to see him move from being a pop musician into more of this elder statesman role of curator of the Great Songbook. It is clear he has listened intently over his adult life to this music and put some real thought and feeling into his listening. He can speak coherently about it; he doesn't faun or show fake appreciation. I sense a tiredness at the old routine of being a stage performer. At the same time I would welcome more writing by him. His recent statement on his Spectacle show regarding his reading habits leads me to want more from him on poetry and songcraft. How about being an editor of the American Poetry series on the great lyricists-Mercer, Hart, Porter, Kern, Gershwin,Cahn, Fagen? His love of language as demonstrated during the Jesse Winchester segment recently on his show where he noted the piquant use of 'victorian' in a lyric as a telling detail is evident. Listening last night to this radio program you hear him sprinkle his conversation with 'zeitgeist' and 'disabused'-he clearly is alive to language. More importantly, I would love to see him move into a richer harmonic and melodic sophistication as he intimated in this program-move beyond the boring restrictions of three chord rock and roll. When listening to him converse with Ms. McPartland about spontaneous composition and musical portraits one can sense his wonderment at his earned ability to notate and produce such portraiture. I keep returning to the David Hajdu piece on him where it is noted that EC 'reached his maturity as a pop songwriter, producing a fine collection of buoyant tunes about betrayal, duplicity and related hazards of his romantic paradigm in "Imperial Bedroom, as well a couple of near equals on "King of America" and "Spike", the latter a wildly eclectic pastiche of things from several albums that Costello had abandoned. "By the time I got to my fifth album, by the early eighties, I wasn't listening to pop music-I was listening to jazz and still do". How about more 'doodling' at the piano?

As to the music on the program, I really liked the Ray Charles bit as the man could flat out sing. Though I admire "Dancing on the Ceiling" for its craft did not like his rendition as he audibly strained to hit various notes and the constant vibrato was off putting. Suspect he would have done better if given the chance to rehearse the piece. The bit with Fagen and Becker was fun, catching their playfullness and sophistication, something I think they share with EC[would love to hear them one on one with him in a future program].
Last edited by Jack of All Parades on Sun Jan 10, 2010 6:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Elvis makes new Piano Jazz radio show, Jan. '10

Post by jmm »

I actually had the chance to make the comment to EC that "maybe Spectacle could be come kind of a Piano Jazz for rock, etc" a while back

He very much brightened at the tought and responded with something like "We could certainly do alot worse. I like that idea!"
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Re: Elvis makes new Piano Jazz radio show, Jan. '10

Post by Jack of All Parades »

As you seem to have access to his ear-please politely keep pushing the idea-it should be very doable for him in such a role-would definitely work in his favor from a scheduling time point- could certainly utilize a studio in Manhattan-and the cost should not be prohibitive from a production standpoint-I bet he would even do it pro-bono for Public Radio-you have provided me with some encouragement to think that such a program could come to fruition.
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Re: Elvis makes new Piano Jazz radio show, Jan. '10

Post by johnfoyle »

I e-mailed Pete Malinverni, telling him of our interest and asking him for a comment that I could post here. He responded -

Thanks for your note and for the kind words re: my session with Elvis Costello. It was a real honor for me to be part of the 30th anniversary show of Piano Jazz, being, as I am, a fan and old pal of Marian McPartland. It was my first time working with Elvis and I must say he's a consummate professional and gentleman -- a real pleasure to work with. He was a wonderful collaborator who had a great grasp of what he wanted to do with the songs we did together yet was sensitive to my input. His fans are right!

I can't recall how many songs we did, maybe three or four. We recorded the date last Spring.

Here's a pic of us on that day:


My best to you,


Pete Malinverni
241 Ave of the Americas #1-C, NYC 10014

Pete Malinverni is a Steinway Artist

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Re: Elvis makes new Piano Jazz radio show, Jan. '10

Post by Ypsilanti »

I would argue is a perfect host for such a program should and when Ms. McPartland retire. He clearly demonstrates an NPR voice. He can enunciate with the best and does not stumble when he speaks.
Yeah, that was just wonderful. I love Spectacle, but Elvis is somehow even better on the radio. His speaking voice is so...pleasing. I could listen to him talk for hours and hours. On TV he stammers a lot, but not so on radio. Since the show isn't live, maybe the NPR people are just great at editing. Ms. McPartland, although still terrific, is quite old and will probably retire sooner, rather than later. Elvis does seem like the perfect guy to replace her, in spite of him being neither a pianist nor a jazz musician.

Possibly, CS, you're correct when you say Elvis only possesses average intelligence, but I'm not sure. He's a lot smarter than I am, anyway. Or maybe he just understands better than most of us how to use his brain. As you say, he's passionately curious, but I think it's more than just that--he's also really driven and ballsy and clearly has a will of iron. And, of course, he's got that famous photographic memory. I don't know...maybe some of these things are aspects of intelligence and maybe they're not, but added together, I'd say Elvis' overall brain "package" is pretty impressive.
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Re: Elvis makes new Piano Jazz radio show, Jan. '10

Post by Jack of All Parades »

Ypsilanti, you should give yourself more credit for your own intelligence. I have always been able to retain a large amount of arcana and facts but I have never thought that made me necessarily very intelligent, just have a good memory. Would agree there are various types of intelligence-mechanical, physical, social, analytical, theoretical, artistic, etc. As I say, I suspect EC is a very good listener, a skill I am constantly trying to perfect. I do not know if he has a "photographic memory"-he does work from notes clearly on the TV and as he stated on the radio program he did his homework and went back and reviewed old programs from the last 30 years. He clearly has absorbed all types of music from an early age and spent time thinking about what he has heard. I strongly suspect his 'intelligence' consists of his 'passionate' engagement with the world around him-sights, sounds, tastes and people he is acutely attuned to every day and then his ability to articulate that engagement through writing prose or music or speaking.
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Re: Elvis makes new Piano Jazz radio show, Jan. '10

Post by jmm »

Can't say I have ECs ear at all just theright place at the right time on a few occasions. He's always been great - especially when talking about things he's passionate about (just like the rest of us)

I'm sure whatever he's doing will be interesting to him and for us to follow!
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Re: Elvis makes new Piano Jazz radio show, Jan. '10

Post by martinfoyle »

Dancing On The Ceiling mp3


Our Love Is Here To Stay mp3

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Re: Elvis makes new Piano Jazz radio show, Jan. '10

Post by sweetest punch »

Hear part 2 here: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/stor ... =122608945

Set List
Elvis Costello with Pete Malinverni
"P.S. I Love You" (G. Jenkins, J. Mercer)

With Jimmy McPartland
"Summertime" (Gershwin)
With Oscar Peterson
"Cottontail" (D. Ellington)
With Elvis Costello
"Threnody" (M. McPartland, E. Costello)

Elvis Costello
"You Hung the Moon" (E. Costello)

With Tommy Flanagan
"I've Got a Crush on You" (G. Gershwin, I. Gershwin)
With Dizzy Gillespie
"In a Mellow Tone" (D. Ellington)

Marian And Elvis
In addition to this special Piano Jazz session, Elvis Costello has sat in the guest-host chair for McPartland before, most recently with Allen Toussaint in 2009. And Costello and McPartland have also worked together on an original musical collaboration, "Threnody," with music by McPartland and lyrics by Costello. Their duet, which premiered at the 2006 Tanglewood Jazz Festival, is featured here.

Costello follows "Threnody" with a truly wonderful gift to the program — the world premiere of a freshly penned tune, the hauntingly lyrical "You Hung the Moon."

"Although new, it's styled after an early 20th-century ballad," Costello says. "It's about people waiting for their loved ones to come back from the First World War." Costello accompanies this melancholic lyric on guitar. Afterward, McPartland says, "Poignant is definitely the word for that tune."
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Re: Elvis makes new Piano Jazz radio show, Jan. '10

Post by johnfoyle »

Elvis Costello with Pete Malinverni
"P.S. I Love You" (G. Jenkins, J. Mercer)
Pete has told us these recordings with Elvis were done last Spring . Elvis sang P.S. I Love You with The Brodsky Quartet during their April '09 tour so the recordings are , probably, more specifically from early April. You Hung the Moon was, of course, given it's live debut with Brodsky's in Birmingham on April 24, 2009.

http://www.elviscostello.info/wiki/inde ... g_The_Moon
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Re: Elvis makes new Piano Jazz radio show, Jan. '10

Post by Jack of All Parades »

Truly enjoyed both programs and particularly the second. I loved hearing her recollections of the NY jazz scene in the forties and fifties-it reinforced stories I have heard from my father-in-law. Her poignant acknowledgement that trying to break into jazz as a woman was particularly tough was great to hear as the father of three daughters. It is still a sexist world. Her memories of 52nd St and the uptown after hours clubs. The roll call of people who have appeared on the program-Hank Jones, Teddy Wilson, Coleman Hawkins{twp joint inductees with my father-in -law into the Jazz Hall of Fame a few years back} and Hank being the brother of my mother-in law's best friend, Thad, the great trumpet player. The infectious sound of Dizzy Gillespie's laughter as caught in photos in our family album. The beauty of Tommy Flanagan's playing behind Ms. McPartland and demonstrating that you do not need sophisticated recording equipment to catch the beauty of two voices enhancing one another- just the ability to play. Finally the 'gift' of a new song from EC that demonstrates yet again what he can do with a lyric when he consciously tries to restrain his verbal dexterity. I love the image of blocking out time, control of lunar movements, ceasing of the tides- the loved ones who are not returning as they are lowered into the 'abyss'. I do not know if EC has read Hardy but the summoning of the moon as an image is so frightenly similar to comparable images in Hardy's poetry from the time that this song is occuring in - Hardy's use of natural elements for powerful effect.

A gracious lady, a gracious guest host and a memorable two hours.
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Re: Elvis makes new Piano Jazz radio show, Jan. '10

Post by johnfoyle »

You Hung the Moon is 37 minutes into the show .
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Re: Elvis makes new Piano Jazz radio show, Jan. '10

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Re: Elvis makes new Piano Jazz radio show, Jan. '10

Post by johnfoyle »

This is being re-broadcast -

http://www.kansaspublicradio.org/events ... entID=4133

and this (new to me) image-

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Re: Elvis makes new Piano Jazz radio show, Jan. '10

Post by johnfoyle »


Premiere of Film “In Good Time: the Piano Jazz of Marian McPartland”
March 19, 2011

Posted by Diana Robinson

Elvis Costello attended today’s premiere of “In Good Time: the Piano Jazz of Marian McPartland” in Port Washington, New York. He and his wife jazz pianist and singer Diana Krall were both featured in the superb film of the life of Marian McPartland.

Elvis and Diana arrive at the premiere in Port Washington, New York.

The film was created by Huey (one name only) of Maine and has been in production since 2006. It documents the life and career of jazz legend Marian McPartland as a pioneering woman musician, composer, educator and host of NPR’s Marian McPartland’s Piano Jazz. I was one of the lucky musicians who got to be a guest on the show (back in 1992) and play duets with Marian, so this film retrospective brought back wonderful memories. I’ve been friends with Marian since I first came to New York as a young jazz pianist fresh out of college. Her generosity and willingness to help emerging artists is well known and is well documented in the film. Diana Krall has an especially nice story to tell in the film.

This is a photograph of Diana Krall, Elvis Costello and Shari Hutchinson, Producer of Marian McPartland’s Piano Jazz

Here Elvis Costello shows Shari Hutchinson something funny on his Blackberry. In the film he does a reversal on Piano Jazz and interviews Marian. He has the most amazing voice. In the show he sang as Marian accompanied him and it was magnificent. I really loved his work with Burt Bacharach but while singing with Marian his voice took on lush tone that even “Painted From Memory” did not achieve. It’s really sweet to see Marian, Elvis and Diana together. There is a genuine warmth between them

I really liked Elvis Costello’s green polka-dotted socks!

The film featured amazing footage of Marian playing with her late husband Jimmy McPartland. She performs with Dr. Billy Taylor, Dave Brubeck, Elvis Costello, Renee Rosenes, Bill Frisell, Nnenna Freelon, Dick Hyman and many others. On the the highlights is the orchestral rehearsal of Marian’s composition for Rachel Carson. Her playing is extremely moving and the film visuals are so in sync with what’s she’s doing. This composition shows a harmonic depth that adds enormously to Marian’s musical legacy. A wonderful film of a wonderful life.


February 7, 2011
Poste by Huey


In Good Time, The Piano Jazz of Marian McPartland
, my latest documentary film is done. Marian, who turns 93 this year, is the host of Marian McPartland’s Piano Jazz, NPR’s longest running cultural program. The Maine premiere will be this summer. I am entering film festivals so I'll let you know if it is shown in other parts of the country. Those of you who wish to make a donation to help with production and distributioin costs can still make a tax deductible donation on this web site by clicking here - http://filmsbyhuey.com/

Donations are made to In Good Time's fiscal sponsor, Maine Alliance of Media Arts, a 501 c 3 non-profit organization. Your name will appear in the film credits with a donation of $100 or more. Funds will go towards covering the costs for getting music rights of jazz standards performed in the film and securing archival film footage of Marian McPartland. Five percent of all donations go to the Maine Student Film and Video Festival. If you have questions please e-mail me at huey@filmsbyhuey.com

DVDs with special features will be available this summer.

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Re: Elvis attends Marian McPartland documentary, NY,March 19

Post by Jack of All Parades »

Thank you for posting that. Quite lovely the photos and cannot wait for a chance to view the documentary. Loved the photo of the seeming lizard skin shoes[shoe covetousness?]. I still feel a natural fit for him should he decide to pack it in- take over her show, although have to wonder the future of that program and others like it as the yahoos in Congress voted this week to strip all funding from NPR. My late mother and father in law knew her, just a lovely, smart and talented lady.
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Re: Elvis attends Marian McPartland documentary, NY,March 19

Post by Bladders »

many thx for the uploads I look forward to hearing the programmes in full
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Re: Elvis attends Marian McPartland documentary, NY,March 19

Post by johnfoyle »

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Re: Elvis attends Marian McPartland documentary, NY,March 19

Post by johnfoyle »

This document has been sent to donators to this film. It gives an insight into the process and , as you can see, Elvis's song choice is costing a packet!

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Re: Elvis in Marian McPartland documentary, NY,March 19 '11

Post by johnfoyle »

More from Huey -
The Maine premiere of In Good Time will be at the Maine International Film Festival at a date to be determined between July 15 - 24, http://www.miff.org/

The Portland, Maine premiere of In Good Time will be on October 13 at Hannaford Hall, Abromson Center, USM.
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Re: Elvis in Marian McPartland documentary, NY,March 19 '11

Post by johnfoyle »

Dear All,

After 4 and a half years I can finally announce the premiere of In Good Time, The Piano Jazz of Marian McPartland on Tuesday, July 19 at 6:30PM and Thursday, July 21 at 9:30PM at Maine International Film Festival.

http://www.miff.org/tickets/film.php?id ... orwarded=1

It is an honor to have the premiere at MIFF, one of the best film festivals in the USA.

I'll be at the July 19 screening and hope to see you there.

Peace, Huey

Please contact MIFF about tickets.

World Premiere of In Good Time, The Piano Jazz of Marian McPartland to be held at the 2011 Maine International Film Festival http://www.miff.org/program/2011/

WATERVILLE, ME - The 14th annual Maine International Film Festival is pleased to announce its Centerpiece Film, and the World Premiere of, Maine filmmaker Huey's In Good Time, The Piano Jazz of Marian McPartland.

In Good Time, The Piano Jazz of Marian McPartland will screen at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, July 19th at Colby College's Given Auditorium. Director Huey will introduce the screening and will be present for audience Q&A after. The film will screen again at 9:30 PM on Thursday, July 21s at Railroad Square Cinema.

Film Summary

When asked what makes a jazz player, 93 year old jazz legend Marian McPartland replied, "Swinging, improvising, sense of humor, playing in any key, all those things." In Good Time, The Piano Jazz of Marian McPartland shows that and more. The film explores McPartland's life and career as a pioneering woman musician, composer, and host of NPR's Marian McPartland's Piano Jazz. A native of England, McPartland arrived in America after World War II with her husband Jimmy McPartland and went on to establish herself as one of the leading musicians in the jazz world. McPartland tells her own story in interviews filmed over four years. She performs her own musical compositions and improvisations as she regales audiences with her wit and stories in clubs, concerts, and Piano Jazz recording sessions. McPartland's musical colleagues seen performing and being interviewed in the film include, Dr. Billy Taylor, Elvis Costello, Dave Brubeck, Diana Krall, Bill Frisell, Nnenna Freelon, Renee Rosnes, Dick Hyman, and others.

For more information go to http://www.filmsbyhuey.com/

DVDs, CDs, Video Production
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Films by Huey
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Re: Elvis,Marian McPartland docu., premiere , Maine, July 19

Post by johnfoyle »

Dear All,

Just a reminder that one week from today, on Tuesday, July 19, 6:30PM is the premiere of In Good Time, The Piano Jazz of Marian McPartland. The premiere is part of the Maine International Film Festival and the screening will take place at Given Auditorium, Bixler Art & Music Center, Colby College, Waterville, ME.

You can purchase tickets at the door or online at http://www.miff.org/tickets/showings.php
I'll be at the July 19 screening and hope to see you there. There is also a screening on July 21 at 9:30PM at MIFF.

Other News
This Friday July 15 you can see an interview with me about the film on 207, WCSH-TV, Ch 6, at 7PM.

Here's a recent quote about the film.

Marian's open mind, generous musical spirit and wicked sense of humour are here for all to see and hear. Anyone who could live such a remarkable life and sit in these grand days beneath a sign that reads, "No Whining", deserves all our admiration and affection.

Elvis Costello and Diana Krall

Peace, Huey

For more information go to http://www.filmsbyhuey.com/
Or join the Films by Huey Fan page on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/filmsbyhuey


DVDs, CDs, Video Production
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Re: Elvis,Marian McPartland docu., premiere , Maine, July 19

Post by johnfoyle »

Dear All,

Here's the link for an interview 207 did with me about In Good Time, The Piano Jazz of Marian McPartland. There are few clips ( including Elvis - JF) from the film in the piece.

http://www.wcsh6.com/life/programming/l ... McPartland

Tomorrow night, July 19 at 6:30PM, I'll be at Maine International Film Festival for the premiere of In Good Time, at Given Auditorium, Colby College. Also again on Thursday, July 21, 9:30PM at Railroad Sq Cinema.

DVDs of In Good Time will be on sale at MIFF and only at MIFF this week. Online sales will start in the Fall.

I hope to see you at a screening

Peace, Huey
-- DVDs, CDs, Video Production
Workshops for Students and Educators
Films by Huey
103 Montrose Ave
Portland, ME 04103
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