Jersey Girl

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Jersey Girl

Post by wehitandrun »

The newest View Askew film was released last Friday. "Jersey Girl", starring Ben Affleck and Liv Tyler- although not featuring the usual 'dick and fart' jokes, is just as good as any of the Jersey five.

What a brilliant movie, I cried twice. :oops:

They are using "word of mouth" as their main form of pushing it, hoping that the second week will pull in a lot more money. Hopefully people will realize that this isn't some typical romantic comedy.

I love how the romantic comedy aspect of the movie is mainly between the father and daughter... and they both pull it off perfectly. Affleck proved he can act, and Jason Lee's cameo was hilarious(as well as Matt Damon's).

Anybody have any thoughts on it?
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Post by BlueChair »

Haven't seen it yet, but I was glad to hear that they cut a lot of the J. Lo scenes out.

I still have a great dislike for Ben Affleck, but the fact that George Carlin and Liv Tyler are in it makes me want to see it.
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Post by wehitandrun »

Aw, hopefully this movie shows you a new side of Affleck. He is great.

Yeah, JLO has an unfortunate scene at the beginning, she is out of the movie within 10 minutes.

And George Carlin was brilliant. He made me cry on one of the two occasions.
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Jersey tears

Post by gethappier »

Crying at Jersey girl, probably wouldn't be something I'd be so quick to share with others...
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Re: Jersey tears

Post by wehitandrun »

Well, you obviously haven't seen it yet.

I take pride in saying I've cried at a Kevin Smith flick. I came close in Chasing Amy, and he went all the way in Jersey Girl.

It is a touching movie, and Ben Affleck puts on a perfect performance.
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