The Origin Of Hand In Hand

Pretty self-explanatory
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The Origin Of Hand In Hand

Post by wehitandrun »

""I wrote it in fact specifically
for Nick Lowe, who rejected it
because at the time he was more
into two-chord things but...well,
that doesn't matter so much as
the fact that at the time of
Aim's mixing sessions, Nick
was going through this incredible
period of misery and depression
as a result of the whole Rockpile
episode with Swan Song and all that.
Now I don't know Nick that well,
though we work well together, but I
don't socialize with him and I...I
haven't seen his darker side,
for example (laughs). But he was so
obviously just totally cut up by
this experience that I wrote
'Hand In Hand' as a consequence of
it all NOT simply for him but also
because the main figure - the Jimmy
Page type who is actually stating
those things, and let's not beat around
the bush here with Swan Song and
all that crap - is just the sort of
unhuman monster type I could become
if I let myself go that far.
So the song is totally given
over to stating someone else's
feelings with just the slightest
tinge of...not 'fear' but
y'know... yeah, that could just
about be me y'know."
- Elvis [NME, 1978]

Can somebody help me understand that? I don't know what the Swan Song/Rockpile mentions are references to... or what Elvis means by the inhuman monster he could become.
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Mike Boom
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Post by Mike Boom »

Nick Lowe played for Rockpile - they were signed by Led Zeppelins Swan Song label . I think the label subsequently dumped them leaving them in heavy debt or somesuch, hence EC's distate ever since for anything associated with Zeppelin - including Jimmy Page. The monster being his his fear of turning into some as cuthroat and power mad as he pecieves Mr Page to be.
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