U.S. Annex Folks....Stop Media Consolidation!

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U.S. Annex Folks....Stop Media Consolidation!

Post by bobster »

I don't do this often, but this is an issue that is pretty much tied into this site.

Some of you may be familiar with this online petition, and probably most of you know something about the whole media consolidation controversy -- it's dangers and the recent hope-inspiring across the political board movement against it.

If we thought "Radio, Radio" was relevent back in '78 it's become quadripuply true now!

Anyhow, here's a link to Common Cause's online petition site so you can stand up an be e-counted on this very important matter.

Or, as they write....

Please sign the petition below and urge President Bush to listen to the concerns of the American people and support the efforts in Congress to
rollback the FCC rules.

** http://www.commoncause.org/action/petition.cfm
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A rope leash
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Post by A rope leash »

Good luck on this. One of W's main buds owns ClearChannel. The FCC knows full well the objections by the people on this, they just don't care because the money's not there.

Mind control is the real goal here, to keep people stupid and misinformed, and to justify the moronic lifestyle of the average American.

Hey, they got them all cheering everytime we kill an "evil" Iraqi. Can an inquisition be far behind? It has become our duty to rid the world of demons. Radio and television will help.

Have you seen the movie, Frialty?
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Post by sulkygirl »

I tried to "sign the petition", but there is no "submit" button...how do we do this??

As a former "radio personality", I wholeheartedly agree...the "Media Consolidation" problem is one of the reasons I got out of the biz...

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Re: Control

Post by bobster »

A rope leash wrote:Mind control is the real goal here, to keep people stupid and misinformed, and to justify the moronic lifestyle of the average American.
This is why I was relieved to see so many rightwingers speak up against this. Up to that point, I assumed they LIKED the idea of Rupert Murdoch controlling 50% of the debate.

Regardless, I think it's always useful to stand up and be counted. Even if Bush does what he's probably going to do anyway, it's good to let them know the price for what they're doing, and it could make useful ammunition for later struggles.

Re: "Frailty." Missed that one, actually. Sort of intriguing premise. Any connection?
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Post by bobster »

sulkygirl wrote:I tried to "sign the petition", but there is no "submit" button...how do we do this??:
Don't know. My only advise there is "when in doubt reload/refresh" :?

:[/quote]As a former "radio personality", I wholeheartedly agree...the "Media Consolidation" problem is one of the reasons I got out of the biz... :evil:[/quote]

Interestingly enough, the person who sent this to me is also a "radio personality" of sorts (a sometime boss o'mine). And, it's pretty much the opposite of public radio, so it's interesting -- and possibly encorougaing --that she would feel so strongly about it.
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Radio rant

Post by A rope leash »

This week I've been working at certain fast-food franchises, one that seems to have a particular taste for country and western music. While setting things up for them, I have had to endure some very disabling intrusions into my ears. A lot of the songs have to do with what a rapscallion a person was, or is, how they wrecked their car, broke someone's heart, or how they still love their drunken Daddy. I'm sorry, it makes me puke, and the putrid condition of the kitchens do not help. One song talks about how the singers (is that you, Willie?), have just killed some evil men, and they now need whiskey for their men and beer for their horses. This makes not one wit of sense to me, and I don't see it as funny, or as entertainment. The ill-educated fast-food pushers were singing along like it was normal, or worse, "cool".

But, it's not much different down the dial. One "Classic Rock" station in the area brags about how it "kicks other radio stations in the nads", and plays "Dirty White Boy" yet once again, as if it was a worthy tune, to be repeated over and over because of it's undeniable benifit to society at large.

Over on the hip-hop channel, it's all about yo bitches and yo dogs-man, and how a person is so "bad" he's "cool", because he's been there and done that, and his vital relationship to gangland is unrefuted. Nearby, the "easy listening" station is full of hollering love songs, with all the divas trying to outdo themselves with scale-wandering bellows, as if that is what great vocalisms require, woe woe woooowoe woe woewoe woe.

It means nothing, says nothing, and eventually does nothing, except to justify a moronic lifestyle. Alt-rock stations are no better, it's about how great it is to get wasted, and yeah, you gotta fight for your right to "par-tay", but listen: When are you going to start doing it? Fer Chrissakes, they wouldn't even let me and Josie dance at the Elvis concert last year! Is the inquisition on it's way?

Over on the NPR station (public radio), one might hear some decent classical music, and some fair discussion of pressing issues. But this is "listener supported", as opposed to "commercial broadcasting". An interesting thing, that. Not long ago I was listening to NPR, to a show where they were debating the new FCC regulations, and noone brought up the fact that a format like NPR's cannot exist in the commercial arena, due to the fact that the advertising dollar controls the content. That's right, no one wants to advertise to intelligent, creative, and concerned citizens, because this demographic is "too small". Why? Because most people are stupid, they've grown up prisoners, all their lives, radio listeners.

In the movie "Frailty", a man receives a vision from Heaven instructing him to destroy demons. He enlists the help of his children in this endeavor.

We are all children of the media. We know what to do, because they told us. Do nothing, and be proud of it. Do what we say, because we're "cool".

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