Elvis & The Imposters, Aarhus (Denmark), July 1, 2022

Pretty self-explanatory
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sweetest punch
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Elvis & The Imposters, Aarhus (Denmark), July 1, 2022

Post by sweetest punch »

Since you put me down, it seems i've been very gloomy. You may laugh but pretty girls look right through me.
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Re: Elvis & The Imposters, Aarhus (Denmark), July 1, 2022

Post by krm »

interesting fact - Diana Krall plays same venue the day after
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Re: Elvis & The Imposters, Aarhus (Denmark), July 1, 2022

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Re: Elvis & The Imposters, Aarhus (Denmark), July 1, 2022

Post by krm »

It was a bit tricky to get a good ticket. The ticket office wrote the following in a mail:

Prior to the official ticket sales date we had a presale for the guests who receive our newsletter.

Tickets for shows like this are often sold pretty fast, so combined with the presale that would explain why you experienced fewer available seat near the stage.

If seats near the stage will become available again you would be able to book and buy them from our website, but it will be your own responsibility to keep an eye out for any openings.
sulky lad
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Re: Elvis & The Imposters, Aarhus (Denmark), July 1, 2022

Post by sulky lad »

krm wrote:It was a bit tricky to get a good ticket. The ticket office wrote the following in a mail:

Prior to the official ticket sales date we had a presale for the guests who receive our newsletter.

Tickets for shows like this are often sold pretty fast, so combined with the presale that would explain why you experienced fewer available seat near the stage.

If seats near the stage will become available again you would be able to book and buy them from our website, but it will be your own responsibility to keep an eye out for any openings.
Did they know you were from Swededn ? :lol: :lol: :roll:
sweetest punch
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Re: Elvis & The Imposters, Aarhus (Denmark), July 1, 2022

Post by sweetest punch »

Who’s going?
Since you put me down, it seems i've been very gloomy. You may laugh but pretty girls look right through me.
sulky lad
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Re: Elvis & The Imposters, Aarhus (Denmark), July 1, 2022

Post by sulky lad »

sulky lad wrote:
krm wrote:It was a bit tricky to get a good ticket. The ticket office wrote the following in a mail:

Prior to the official ticket sales date we had a presale for the guests who receive our newsletter.

Tickets for shows like this are often sold pretty fast, so combined with the presale that would explain why you experienced fewer available seat near the stage.

If seats near the stage will become available again you would be able to book and buy them from our website, but it will be your own responsibility to keep an eye out for any openings.
Did they know you were from Sweden ? :lol: :lol: :roll:
sweetest punch
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Re: Elvis & The Imposters, Aarhus (Denmark), July 1, 2022

Post by sweetest punch »

Since you put me down, it seems i've been very gloomy. You may laugh but pretty girls look right through me.
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And No Coffee Table
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Re: Elvis & The Imposters, Aarhus (Denmark), July 1, 2022

Post by And No Coffee Table »

http://www.elviscostello.info/wiki/inde ... -01_Aarhus

01. Accidents Will Happen
02. Green Shirt
03. Either Side Of The Same Town
04. Hetty O'Hara Confidential
05. The Death Of Magic Thinking
06. Watching The Detectives - including Invisible Lady
07. Big Stars Have Tumbled
08. Radio, Radio
09. We Are All Cowards Now
10. 45
11. Maybe Just This Once - including Gimme That Wine
12. Penelope Halfpenny
13. What If I Can't Give You Anything But Love?
14. The Comedians
15. Newspaper Pane
16. Man Out Of Time
17. (I Don't Want To Go To) Chelsea
18. Magnificent Hurt
19. Pump It Up
20. (What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love And Understanding?
21. Mr. & Mrs. Hush
Encore 1
22. The Man You Love To Hate
23. Alison
24. Mistook Me For A Friend
25. I Want You
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Re: Elvis & The Imposters, Aarhus (Denmark), July 1, 2022

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Was there an actual encore at this show then?
Who’s this kid with his mumbo jumbo?
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Re: Elvis & The Imposters, Aarhus (Denmark), July 1, 2022

Post by krm »

verbal gymnastics wrote:Was there an actual encore at this show then?
No. After Mr and Mrs Hush, he brought the band up front. Raised his finger in the usual "one more?" question and they went back to do the rest of the songs. Two hours and 45 mins long show! Well worth the efforts of going there. Having to deal with the danish Tour de France preparations was a piece of cake compared to the UK train strike.
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Re: Elvis & The Imposters, Aarhus (Denmark), July 1, 2022

Post by verbal gymnastics »

Mind you I want you and PLU probably accounted for 30 minutes :lol: :lol: :lol:
Who’s this kid with his mumbo jumbo?
sulky lad
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Re: Elvis & The Imposters, Aarhus (Denmark), July 1, 2022

Post by sulky lad »

krm wrote:
verbal gymnastics wrote:Was there an actual encore at this show then?
No. After Mr and Mrs Hush, he brought the band up front. Raised his finger in the usual "one more?" question and they went back to do the rest of the songs. Two hours and 45 mins long show! Well worth the efforts of going there. Having to deal with the danish Tour de France preparations was a piece of cake compared to the UK train strike.
You Europeans, always moaning !! :wink:
Glad it was great for you, my friend !
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Re: Elvis & The Imposters, Aarhus (Denmark), July 1, 2022

Post by krm »

sulky lad wrote:
krm wrote:
verbal gymnastics wrote:Was there an actual encore at this show then?
No. After Mr and Mrs Hush, he brought the band up front. Raised his finger in the usual "one more?" question and they went back to do the rest of the songs. Two hours and 45 mins long show! Well worth the efforts of going there. Having to deal with the danish Tour de France preparations was a piece of cake compared to the UK train strike.
You Europeans, always moaning !! :wink:
Glad it was great for you, my friend !
joke aside - the two Denmark shows were really really great. Better than Glasgow and Hammersmith. Definately in class with Ipswich. The Copenhagen show was recorded professionally, I was told. Hopefully for future use. I am quite happy that I decided to go :-)
sulky lad
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Re: Elvis & The Imposters, Aarhus (Denmark), July 1, 2022

Post by sulky lad »

As you said, these shows actually look more exciting than some of the U.K. shows and as for meeting up afterwards - I'm green with envy.
Only question is - what is a professional recording ?? :shock: :shock: :wink:
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Re: Elvis & The Imposters, Aarhus (Denmark), July 1, 2022

Post by Man out of Time »

Review of the concert by Flemming Krogh in the Århus Stiftstidende on 2 July 2022.

"En aften i 'far-rockens' tegn: En livsglad englænder trykkede den af i Musikhuset

En voldsom rocket udgave af Elvis Costello indtog Aarhus. Stemmen var intakt, selvom Costellos dåbsattest siger 1954. Men den engelske singer-songwriter virkede overivrig og til tider ude af takt med sit aldrende publikum.

KONCERT-KOMMENTAR: Den engelske musiker Elvis Costello er et af årets store navne i Musikhuset i 2022. Denne fredag indtog den engelske musiker scenen i den store sal sammen med sit band The Imposters efter at have taget turen fra København, hvor de optrådte dagen før.

Fra første sekund er man ikke i tvivl om, at Elvis Costello vil gøre en indsats for at give sit publikum en god aften. Mit musikalske kendskab til den sortklædte verdensmand ligger år tilbage, hvor jeg var stor fan af især hans kærlighedssange, som var smukke ballader, jeg kunne relatere til som ung. På forhånd havde jeg dog konstateret, at sætlisten formentligt ville bevæge sig i en anden retning, og jeg skal jeg da love for, at det gik som forventet.

Costello ’sparker røv’, undskyld udtrykket. Han trykker den af på scenen med et mere rocket udtryk, end jeg havde drømt om.

Numrene sidder skarpt. Håndværket er i orden, og kemien og samspillet mellem Costello og bandet fungerer. Der bliver leveret soloer og fortalt gamle og nye anekdoter.

Costellos gennemtrængende vokal står klart og skrapt i rummet. Man er aldrig i tvivl, når man lytter til Costello, som har en helt særlig stemme.

Kemien mellem de omkring 1.000 gæster og den finurlige hitmager forrest på scenen er intakt i den første del af koncerten, hvor lyset skifter på scenen. Indimellem lykkes det at skabe en særlig stemning i det store rum, der kunne minde om en intim jazzklub. Og det er altså ikke nemt i Musikhusets største sal.

Ensformig rock
Lapset klædt i sort optræder Costello, som dengang han var en del af punk- og new wave-scenen. Med energi og gejst, som man ikke forventer af en mand på 67 år. Men måske bliver han forblændet af sin egen optræden. Det virker som om, at han skal bevise, at han ikke er trykket af alderen.

Der bliver skruet rigeligt op for de rockende elementer, og efterhånden begynder numrene at blive (for) lange og ensformige. Indrømmet, jeg kender få af de nyere numre, så det taler til Costellos fordel. Men undervejs mister han langsomt kontakten til sit publikum, som for langt de flestes vedkommende er på samme alder som Costello. Måske bliver det for mageligt i de bløde stole i salen.

Indimellem liver folk op. Når Costello mellem et par af numrene ikke lægger skjul på sine politiske holdninger til nutiden som en repræsentant for venstrefløjen, mærker man den karismatiske sanger og sangskriver. Og det er befriende, uanset politisk ståsted, at opleve en kunstner, som faktisk mener noget. Tak for det.

"Stand up for the drummer," råber Costello i den sidste del af en lang koncert. Publikum adlyder omgående - klapper med i takt. Der er kommet gang i salen. Rocken lever! Mod slutningen får Costello igen kontakt til sit publikum med omkvædet ’Are you ready’, som dog bliver for langtrukket og mister pusten.

’The man you love to hate’, som er fra Costellos seneste album, The Boy Named If, leverer bandet med tyngde og lettere skramlet. Det er et herligt nummer, som minder mig om Tom Waits, en anden anerkendt singer-songwriter.

Savner den inderlige Costello
Men jeg savner de kendte Costello-numre. De meste spillede sange på Spotify får ikke meget plads. Måske er de for stille til denne aften. Måske har Costello blot spillet dem tilstrækkeligt mange gange og insisterer på noget andet. Respekt for det, men ærgerligt for mig, som aldrig har oplevet Costello live.

Den udødelige ballade 'Alison' bliver der dog plads til. Men det ændrer ikke på billedet af en aften med rock i overflod, og det understreger den sidste sang, ’I want you’, som er mit personlige Costello-favoritnummer. Nummeret bliver leveret i en tung og alternativ udgave, hvor stemningen fra den oprindelige, sarte og inderlige udgave drukner i lange guitar-riffs.

Efter koncerten trækker jeg frisk luft udenfor sammen med min ældste søn på 25 år og hans kæreste, som jeg havde inviteret med. De var ikke begejstrede, selvom de har et åbent musiksind og lytter til mange genrer.

- Det blev for langt og for kedeligt. En aften med far-rock, lyder dommen fra Amanda på 23 år.

Det slår mig, at det måske havde været bedre, hvis jeg havde inviteret hendes far Finn med, som er kæmpe Lou Reed-fan og tilhører samme generation som Elvis Costello."

Or in "English" via Google Translate:

" An evening in the spirit of 'father-rock': A cheerful Englishman printed it in the Musikhuset

A violent rocket version of Elvis Costello took over Aarhus. The voice was intact, even though Costello's baptismal certificate says 1954. But the English singer-songwriter seemed overzealous and at times out of step with his aging audience.

CONCERT COMMENT: The English musician Elvis Costello is one of the big names of the year in the Music House in 2022. This Friday, the English musician took the stage in the great hall with his band The Imposters after taking the tour from Copenhagen, where they performed the day before .

From the first second, there is no doubt that Elvis Costello will make an effort to give his audience a good night. My musical knowledge of the black-clad world man lies years back, where I was a big fan of especially his love songs, which were beautiful ballads I could relate to as a young man. Beforehand, however, I had stated that the set list would probably move in a different direction, and I must then promise that it went as expected.

Costello ‘kicks ass’, excuse the expression. He pushes it off on stage with a more rocket expression than I had dreamed of.

The numbers are sharp. The craft is fine, and the chemistry and interaction between Costello and the band works. Solos are delivered and old and new anecdotes are told.

Costello's penetrating vocals stand clear and sharp in the room. One is never in doubt when listening to Costello, who has a very special voice.

The chemistry between the approximately 1,000 guests and the whimsical hitmaker at the front of the stage is intact in the first part of the concert, where the light changes on stage. Occasionally, it manages to create a special atmosphere in the large space that could be reminiscent of an intimate jazz club. And it is not easy in the Music Hall's largest hall.

Monotonous rock
Lapset dressed in black, Costello performs as if he were part of the punk and new wave scene. With energy and spirit that one does not expect from a man of 67 years. But perhaps he is dazzled by his own performance. It seems that he has to prove that he is not pressured by age.

The rocking elements are screwed up a lot, and gradually the numbers start to become (too) long and monotonous. Granted, I know few of the newer numbers, so that speaks in Costello's favor. But along the way, he slowly loses touch with his audience, which for the most part is the same age as Costello. Maybe it will be too comfortable in the soft chairs in the hall.

Sometimes people come to life. When Costello between a couple of the tracks does not hide his political views on the present as a representative of the left, one notices the charismatic singer and songwriter. And it's liberating, regardless of political standpoint, to experience an artist who actually means something. Thank you.

"Stand up for the drummer," Costello shouts in the last part of a long concert. The audience obeys immediately - claps along to the beat. The hall is up and running. The rock is alive! Towards the end, Costello gets in touch with his audience again with the chorus ‘Are you ready’, which, however, becomes too long and loses its breath.

‘The man you love to hate’, which is from Costello's latest album, The Boy Named If, delivers the band with weight and slightly rattles. It's a glorious track that reminds me of Tom Waits, another acclaimed singer-songwriter.

Miss the heartfelt Costello
But I miss the famous Costello numbers. Most played songs on Spotify do not get much space. Maybe they're too quiet for tonight. Maybe Costello has just played them enough times and insists on something else. Respect for that, but a pity for me who has never experienced Costello live.

However, there will be room for the immortal ballad 'Alison'. But that doesn’t change the picture of an evening of rock in abundance, and it underscores the last song, ‘I want you’, which is my personal Costello favorite song. The song is delivered in a heavy and alternative version, where the atmosphere from the original, delicate and heartfelt version drowns in long guitar riffs.

After the concert, I draw fresh air outside with my oldest son of 25 years and his girlfriend, with whom I had been invited. They were not thrilled, even though they have an open musical mind and listen to many genres.

- It got too long and too boring. An evening of father-rock, is the verdict from 23-year-old Amanda.

It strikes me that it might have been better if I had invited her father Finn, who is a huge Lou Reed fan and belongs to the same generation as Elvis Costello. "
Aarhus photo 01 fk
Aarhus photo 01 fk
2022-07-01 Aarhus photo 01 fk.jpg (37.45 KiB) Viewed 5484 times
Aarhus photo 02 fk
Aarhus photo 02 fk
2022-07-01 Aarhus photo 02 fk.jpg (72.76 KiB) Viewed 5484 times
Photos by Flemming Krogh

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