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Post by Otis Westinghouse »

My post appears to have vanished. It read:

1 Man Utd 16 pts

Means a lot to me.

Or words to that effect. Oh, and Good ol' Ole.
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Post by Gillibeanz »

VG Im not telling tales - im just telling it like it is!! *stamping foot* And im only saying sorry if Wacko Jacko says it first!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Jackson Monk »

:lol: :lol:

I don't think either of us have anything to say sorry about Gillibabes....just fans of the greatest club in the world having a difference of opinion.... :wink:

I'd hate to be a Chelsea fan for instance. How boring it must be winning stuff all the time and agreeing with your mates about how brilliant you are.
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Post by Who Shot Sam? »

:lol: :lol:

It's actually quite fun, with all the people taking potshots. We have no shortage of external enemies to keep things entertaining.

Seriously, you apparently don't know many Chelsea fans. Some of them could start a fight in a phone booth.
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Post by Otis Westinghouse »

Bunch of complacent softies.
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crew(they of 6 goalkeepers so far) 4, open cup champs chicago fire 1. wtf? I was afraid to watch.

RBNY (a/k/a NYRB) live to fight one more game. WSS is no doubt in sack cloth and ashes as the Landon and the Gals see their playoff hopes go up in smog.

sorry, just had to share.
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Post by Who Shot Sam? »

mood swung wrote:WSS is no doubt in sack cloth and ashes as the Landon and the Gals see their playoff hopes go up in smog.
I actually liked the Galaxy until they got Donovan. Remember "El Tanque" Hurtado, that lumbering Venezuelan striker they used to have?
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No, I don't, but what a great name. If he's washed up and decrepit, I'm sure RBNY will be interested!

It was also splendid to see DC get their collective ass kicked. Check out the replay if you get a chance, Sam. Dempsey was on. I'd never even heard of a sombrerita.

RIP Mooch.
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Post by Gillibeanz »

Its no good folks - i've gotta rant.....

God awful performance by England last night against Croatia in the Euros :roll: What is up with McClaren? He played everyone out of position, they were all colliding with each other and covering the same space leaving vast areas free! Then in his non existent wisdom he left making any substitutions until it was too late - even an idiot could see it wasnt working by half time! Then to compound it all he brings on 3 subs at once and poor old Cole who got injured had to stay and hobble around on the pitch or we would have been down to 10 men! :evil:

I felt sorry for Robinson. No one could have predicted the ball bobbling like that, and apart from that he had a fantastic game. If not for some outstanding saves we would have been at least 6-0 down! :(

The only bright spot of the night for me was to hear the tv commentators saying bring back Beckham ..... :wink: :lol:
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Vote for Pedro.

Ok, so it's actually Amado. It wasn't pretty, and next week will be worse, but dammit, 3 coaches, one wandering Frenchman, and some disease-ridden astroturf later we made the playoffs! Even though WSS thinks the playoffs stink - is there anything more ingrained in the American sports psyche than a wild card/anything-can-and-will-happen mentality?
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I don't mind the playoffs as such. My gripe is the fact that nearly every team makes the playoffs, rendering the regular season virtually meaningless.
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Still full of the haterade, aren't you? :lol:

I wonder how they'll handle it with 13 teams next year.
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Post by Who Shot Sam? »

First 12 make the playoffs, last place team gets a bye to the final, just to make things interesting. :wink: :wink:
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If any Chelsea fan needs to be given a reason why their club has replaced Manure as the most despised in the UK, I suggest that they have a listen to some of the bollocks that has come out Mourinho's mouth in the past few days.

Anyone can see that Cech was badly hurt in an accidental collision - as was Cudicini. Not so says Jose and his amazing blue coloured glasses.

So far he has managed to blame Steve Hunt, Steve Coppell, Reading as a club, Reading as a town, the NHS and Tony Blair (ok...made that one up). He is a born liar and it's about time that the FA threw the book at him for slander and bringing the game into disrepute if nothing else.

With all their money and all their success, they just will never have any class whilst that knob-jockey is in charge.
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Post by Otis Westinghouse »

Agree his obsessive finger-pointing is beyond the beyond. Awful outcome for Cech, but unless goalies are going to wear helmets, this is a risk they run. It's funny cos my bro-in-law used to have an occasionaly gig as medical officer at the Madejski, but when I saw him last summer and told him i'd be visiting him a few times to act as his assistant this year, he informed me he'd have to requalify (whether it's because they upped the requirements in general or things are more stringent for the Prem, I don't know). So at least Jose wasn't attacking him!

Nice 3-0 tonight. Should have been 6-0, but 3 will do. Obvious penalty on Scholes not given. As ITV said, how could the ref not give that when he had a clear view of the very obvious goalie's hand to Scholes' ankle. Thierry not a happy man tonight.
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Post by Who Shot Sam? »

Jackson Monk wrote:If any Chelsea fan needs to be given a reason why their club has replaced Manure as the most despised in the UK, I suggest that they have a listen to some of the bollocks that has come out Mourinho's mouth in the past few days.

Anyone can see that Cech was badly hurt in an accidental collision - as was Cudicini. Not so says Jose and his amazing blue coloured glasses.

So far he has managed to blame Steve Hunt, Steve Coppell, Reading as a club, Reading as a town, the NHS and Tony Blair (ok...made that one up). He is a born liar and it's about time that the FA threw the book at him for slander and bringing the game into disrepute if nothing else.

With all their money and all their success, they just will never have any class whilst that knob-jockey is in charge.
First, I'm not so sure that it was accidental. I certainly don't think that Hunt meant to fracture Cech's skull, but he did lower his knee dangerously when it was clear that Cech had the ball. Have any of the Hunt apologists come up with a good explanation as to why he led with his knee and not his boot? I see that Lehmann has spoken up about it in support of Cech, which surprised the hell out of me, but credit to him for doing so.

Every game Chelsea plays, especially against smaller clubs, is a war, and there always seem to be more nasty challenges than otherwise might be expected. What would the reaction have been if a Chelsea player, say Robben, had gone in on the Reading keeper in a similar manner? Do you think he'd be given the benefit of the doubt by the media and pundits? I doubt it.

I think that at the very least it warrants review by the FA, as does the disgraceful peformance of chinless wonder Mike Riley, the referee, who insisted that Cech crawl off the pitch. He also allowed play to go on while Cudicini was sprawled out unconscious. He should be drawn and quartered, and Mourinho's got every right to complain about him IMO. As for all the other stuff related to Cech's treatment, etc., I have no idea what the truth is, but nowhere have I seen Mourinho accuse Coppell of anything malicious.

How are Spuds doing?
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Post by charliestumpy »

The Petr fracture looked accidental to me ( 2 goes at Cudicini looked a bit more contentious ...).

Hopefully all injured including in overpaid footie will recover well in time.

Nice to see MUT & Arse (the latter occasionally with English sub.) on their way to staying top again.

I suspect that Mourinho as often is attempting to:

a) rebuild Chelsk winning team spirit (they/we have no chance of motivating themselves to be bothered to re-retain Barclays thing).
b) trying to ensure no-one comes within 10 metres of Hilario.

I probably prefer times when people hate Arse & MUT for winning.

As some of us have observed, there is so much luck in winning, apart from when 'the organisations' appear to 'fix' a winning-team (e.g. Barca last season - a few in earlier seasons).

I agree that all teams etc should start with no money and EARN their income - preferably from being community-useful/being entertaining-good/winning fairly.

P.S. I think that possibly as BBC pundit suggested SHunt was attempting to pull out from his boot-lunge. I like Reading, not least of all for Kerry Dixon. I as Chels supporter for 42 years do not believe bookies' odds.

P.P.S. Even though Kopenhavn might have scored 2 or 3, I agree that MUT might have also scored 3 more. I like the prematurely internationally-retired Scholes when he's not kicking people, and on MUT side object occasionally to Fletcher when he scores fluke goals, and to some of their team with bad hair-scalps at times.

The beauty of MUT (apart from history/nice attacking exciting footie often) is that their coach of 20 years is just about an honorary Englishman.

Wenger is often fine when not a whinger.

Mourinho is often fine when not deliberately being a verbally contentious Port.

I rather liked Liver having a Liver supporter as coach before this IMO successful Spanish chappie.

IMO Liver do not need to win League again when they as demonstrated over past 6 years can win all of other things.

England footie is good for a laugh. In truth, we weren't very good when we won in 1966.

I prefer Gallas not at Arse.

I do not believe that spending £30m on once great 30 year old is good.

I prefer teams who have brought their own youth into 1st team.
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Post by Who Shot Sam? »

Ahem - 29 minutes between the time Chelsea requested an ambulance - on the pitch - and the time one arrived. The call Reading are talking about was a second request from Chelsea medical staff. Mourinho caught in another lie - he said 30 minutes and it was actually 29. :roll:

Moreover - no ability to take a stretcher in the elevator - the only way he could have left the stadium on a stretcher was by going out and around the pitch while the match was in progress. And this is a fairly new stadium.

Why are ambulances not on site at every match, in proximity to the pitch/dressing rooms? That's the case at just about every American sporting event I've ever been to.
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Post by Jackson Monk »

Who Shot Sam? wrote:
Jackson Monk wrote:If any Chelsea fan needs to be given a reason why their club has replaced Manure as the most despised in the UK, I suggest that they have a listen to some of the bollocks that has come out Mourinho's mouth in the past few days.

Anyone can see that Cech was badly hurt in an accidental collision - as was Cudicini. Not so says Jose and his amazing blue coloured glasses.

So far he has managed to blame Steve Hunt, Steve Coppell, Reading as a club, Reading as a town, the NHS and Tony Blair (ok...made that one up). He is a born liar and it's about time that the FA threw the book at him for slander and bringing the game into disrepute if nothing else.

With all their money and all their success, they just will never have any class whilst that knob-jockey is in charge.
First, I'm not so sure that it was accidental. I certainly don't think that Hunt meant to fracture Cech's skull, but he did lower his knee dangerously when it was clear that Cech had the ball. Have any of the Hunt apologists come up with a good explanation as to why he led with his knee and not his boot? I see that Lehmann has spoken up about it in support of Cech, which surprised the hell out of me, but credit to him for doing so.

Every game Chelsea plays, especially against smaller clubs, is a war, and there always seem to be more nasty challenges than otherwise might be expected. What would the reaction have been if a Chelsea player, say Robben, had gone in on the Reading keeper in a similar manner? Do you think he'd be given the benefit of the doubt by the media and pundits? I doubt it.

I think that at the very least it warrants review by the FA, as does the disgraceful peformance of chinless wonder Mike Riley, the referee, who insisted that Cech crawl off the pitch. He also allowed play to go on while Cudicini was sprawled out unconscious. He should be drawn and quartered, and Mourinho's got every right to complain about him IMO. As for all the other stuff related to Cech's treatment, etc., I have no idea what the truth is, but nowhere have I seen Mourinho accuse Coppell of anything malicious.

How are Spuds doing?
Now you are falling into SLL territory.....you give a reasoned response (even if I do disagree with it - perhaps Riley has seen your lot feigning injury a few times before) and then you spoil it all by asking an irrelevant question. What has Spurs disappointing start to the season got to do with your manager being a complete wanker? :lol: It's like me having moan about the price of petrol and you telling me my front door is a horrible colour.

Blackburn won the title with about 50 million more than everyone else. You're lot have about 5 billion more than everyone else. Carlton Palmer would eventually win the league with the money Mourinho has been given. If you don't win the Champs League this year, Mourinho should surely be given the boot. He's the most overrated manager in history.
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Post by Who Shot Sam? »

Just having a bit of a dig, since you seem keen on portraying my club as the devil incarnate.
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I know... :lol:

Anyway, I still hate the gooners a lot more :wink:
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...and down goes Barca!

Jackson have you got your black armband out yet?
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Hey...they're an English club (just about)...always cheer them on regardless of premiership affiliations.

French clubs like Arse are a different story. :lol:
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Jose Mourinho has caused great controversy by claiming that the ambulance that took Petr Cech to hospital was not in his club's colours of blue and white. The local ambulance trust said that it was not the policy of the trust to provide colour co-ordinated ambulances for the players nor would they have the Pensioners sponsors names emblazoned over the vehicle.
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Are you feeling a little more positive yet Gilli?
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