now they tell me

This is for all non-EC or peripheral-EC topics. We all know how much we love talking about 'The Man' but sometimes we have other interests.
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Post by bobster »

Jackson Monk wrote: I saw one person reading the paper on the bike the other day.

You wouldn't go to the movies and dose off would you......unless you were watching one of the Matrix Movies of course.... :lol:
Do you mean a moving bike or a stationary one. Because reading on a moving bike would be dangerous. Stationary, I do myself and have no problem working up a sweat.

Still, I'd have a problem, reading proper fiction or more serious reading. In L.A., it's not unusual to see people reading scripts. If they're actors memorizing lines, that's one thing, but as a writer, I wouldn't want my readers sweating all over my beautiful verbiage. If I really want to boost my heart rate, I look up at the television sets because Bill O'Reilly is usually on. One day, that man might induce a stroke or two.

As to falling asleep at the movies...I once fell asleep at "Das Boot" at maximum volume. Which is why I now have a strict: "No subtitles after 10:00 p.m." rule. -- Where "hopelessly dated" is a compliment!
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