Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by blureu »

This story is everywhere. Just noticed it online on the front page for my local news rag.
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by And No Coffee Table »

Bill O'Reilly says Elvis is a pinhead. (Elvis is crushed, I'm sure.)

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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by yaniv297 »

blureu wrote:This story is everywhere. Just noticed it online on the front page for my local news rag.
So surely, if Elvis wanted to avoid taken a side at the conflict, he failed quite miserably.

I hope he at least will release a statement that he's against every use of his name as an anti-Israeli symbol, and that he does not wish to take a side on this matter. Because today, 3 different people asked me "did you know he's anti-semistic?" and "how could you listen to him?". Yesterday one even compared him to Wagner. His statement was just too vague, compared to the press. So for the sake of your image, Elvis, say something.
Judge Holden
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by Judge Holden »

yaniv297 wrote:[

So surely, if Elvis wanted to avoid taken a side at the conflict, he failed quite miserably.

I hope he at least will release a statement that he's against every use of his name as an anti-Israeli symbol, and that he does not wish to take a side on this matter. Because today, 3 different people asked me "did you know he's anti-semistic?" and "how could you listen to him?". Yesterday one even compared him to Wagner. His statement was just too vague, compared to the press. So for the sake of your image, Elvis, say something.
I'm sorry, but this is poisonous. Three different idiots asked three ridiculous questions. His statement showed no desire to front as some "anti-Israeli" symbol: bringing up the charge of anti-semitism is vile, though tediously predictable. To reduce a decision which he's clearly found painful to a matter of "image" rather than "conscience" gets us nowhere. He's made his statement.
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by Jack of All Parades »

Judge you are very much on point. It must have obviously been a very agonized decision for him. To raise the charge of anti-semitisim is 'vile'. He clearly does not want to be a symbol for either party in this issue. Only you and Alexv seem to have really spent any time 'reading' his statement and clearly have made a concerted effort to digest his words. If he is guilty of anything here it is booking dates that he clearly was uncomfortable with from the start. As you say he has made his 'decision' let him and it be.
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by snapyou »

yaniv297 wrote: Because today, 3 different people asked me "did you know he's anti-semistic?" and "how could you listen to him?". Yesterday one even compared him to Wagner.
Are these people mentally ill ?
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by yaniv297 »

Christopher Sjoholm wrote:Only you and Alexv seem to have really spent any time 'reading' his statement and clearly have made a concerted effort to digest his words.
Yeah but that's exactly the point, isn't it? We've read the announcement and knows he's not anti-semistic. However, most people didn't. The people I talked with aren't stupid or mentally ill - they're just affected by press and by the general public understanding. The press announced he won't play in Israel, for political reasons, as a "matter of conscience and instinct", and because he can't ignore "suffering of innocents". Add to that the various pro-Palestinian organizations who already thanked him for "fighting against Israel's war crimes" (even thought he never said that). It's not hard to think how these people got the idea of him being anti-Israel.
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by spooky girlfriend »

For the record, this cancellation has actually generated commentary not only on this forum, but around the world apparently. It appears as though we all have different opinions regarding his decision not to play.

I have activated numerous accounts over the past few days from Israel, and I have to carefully choose which accounts to approve since I get so many attempts that are potentially harmful from many various countries. I do believe that the people in Israel are apparently offended, and I do understand that.

However, the one thing we all have in common here is that we enjoy the music of Elvis Costello. That's why I now spend more time making sure this site is protected behind the scenes and Doc on the technical end of things, rather than looking for threads to post. We all appreciate his music in some common way.

So I ask that we remember this face when we post here. This has the potential to become a volatile thread and I would prefer not to delete it, but I will if my hand is forced. I understand all of you who are upset by his decision not to play there, but please realize that this forum consists of many regular members who do not participate in this type of conversational outrage here. We strive to be a peaceful forum and respectfully disagree.

So while I understand why people from Israel are upset, I want those same people to realize why the members here are upset. Please feel free to post an opinion, but please do so in a manner which indicates a peaceful regard for everyone.
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by exorons »

Hello Elvis

I cannot express my deep and utter disgust of your latest decision, not to come to Israel.
You cannot have been more rude, empty, self absorbed and ignorant.

What do you think you know about what is going on in Israel?
What do you think you contribute by empowering the extreme edges of human filth?

I want so much to tell you that we don't need you. That we are better off without you, and good riddance.

but that would be just as demagogic as your decision not to come here.

We WANT the world to know what is really happening in this tiny country.
We WANT to show everyone how every attempt we make, towards peace, is immediately answered by terror.
We WANT to show everyone how we extend our arm, and every time we get slapped, by the very "innocent" people you have so much compassion for.
We WANT you to see the horrific day-2-day life in whole civilian cities, daily threatened by murderous terrorists, aiming to blow up children on their way to school and kindergarten, by randomly bombarding them with home made missiles.

Your decision, just like other self righteous, ignorant, idiotic, VIP's in the world, is not based on the truth.
It does not serve justice, peace, humanity or any other crap slogan, you would be wrong to wave at us.
It plays straight into the hands, and ears, of the blood thirsty terrorists, that have claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands, worldwide, in the name of a deity, and religion.

I hope my words do not fall on deaf ears, though I have very little hope that you are even able to comprehend what I am saying. You would be coming to play in Israel if you could!

Ashamed to share the same species name as you
Ron Sherill
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by yaniv297 »

Actually the conversation was relatively peaceful so far... anyway, as I said I love Elvis and his music very much. which makes the whole thing way more difficult to me :-(.

BTW, another response... the bass player for some band called K's Choice (yeah, never heard of them either), wrote this in his facebook page:

"Eric Grossman thinks Elvis Costello is a big giant douchebag.

You cancelled your Israeli concert for political reasons, and the only people you are affecting, are the common people who were willing to spend their hard earned money to come hear you play the music they love, and to show you nothing but love and appreciation. I appreciate your political stance, but the policy makers and the leaders that you're ... See Morestanding up against, probably don't know you from Elvis Presley, and if they do, don't give a sh*t whether you come to Israel or not. You've accomplished nothing, but spreading a little more hurt to some really loving people. Why did you book the show in the first place? Nothing has changed since then. Well done. You're an idiot. Ditto to Santana, Bono, and all the other self important ego-maniacs who think the Israeli people don't deserve their presence."
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by freedom »

"OH you are such a fool.
You know nothing about your home or Israel.
Ethnic cleansing my butt! You misspeak!
I have lived in Jerusalem for 20 years with Arab neighbors in some of the nicest areas of Jerusalem. Arab families who, unlike yours did not run away and hope for the expulsion of the Jews but stayed and live here unmolested.
Get over yourself.
Do not lie or mislead folks here with your 30 year old nonsense."

Am I a fool? I have one question: How do you create a Jewish Homeland in a country where the great majority of people are non-Jews without terrorizing the population and ethnic cleansing. All serious Israeli historians have dispelled the Zionist notion that Palestinians left there homes so that the Jews could be wiped out. This is tired Zionist propaganda. You are trying to rationalize the crimes committed to fulfill the Zionist dream of a state with a clear Jewish majority and Jewish character. Yes Israel did allow Arabs to stay who risked their lives in the face of Jewish terror. But most civilians in any war who are able to flee when the lives of their families are threatened do so. Isn't that why Jews fled Europe? Under international law refugees have the right of return, and today Jews are allowed to return to Europe if they choose. Ever hear of international law? I don't blame you for trying to rationalize wiping a whole country off the map to make room for some sort of Jewish utopia...after all isn't that what Hitler was trying to do for the Aryan race? But you don't want to hear comparisons to Nazis do you.

I have been back to my homeland many times because I am lucky enough to be an American citizen and Israel is kind enough to give me a 3 month tourist visa to visit my own home. I know that Jews and Arabs can live together in harmony as you say, just as they do in many cities throughout the Holy Land. And why shouldn't they, they lived together peacefully before the creation of Israel. The difference is that Israel describes itself as a "JEWISH STATE" and must maintain a Jewish majority and character. Its laws are discriminatory and Palestinians are routinely stripped of their residency rights in Jerusalem and occupied Palestine. Simply racist. By the way, my family had many Jewish friends in Palestine and we still have Jewish friends. My Dads uncle married a Jewish woman as a matter of fact.
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by freedom »

exorons wrote:Hello Elvis

I cannot express my deep and utter disgust of your latest decision, not to come to Israel.
You cannot have been more rude, empty, self absorbed and ignorant.

What do you think you know about what is going on in Israel?
What do you think you contribute by empowering the extreme edges of human filth?

I want so much to tell you that we don't need you. That we are better off without you, and good riddance.

but that would be just as demagogic as your decision not to come here.

We WANT the world to know what is really happening in this tiny country.
We WANT to show everyone how every attempt we make, towards peace, is immediately answered by terror.

Ashamed to share the same species name as you
Ron Sherill
Dear Elvis,

As a Palestinian Christian, I guess I am one of those Ron describes as on "the extreme edges of human filth". Welcome to the Club Elvis. Anyone who dares take a stand against Israels policies becomes and instant demagogue and anti-semite. Look what happened to poor Jimmy Carter, the best friend Israel ever had, when he opened his mouth about Israels apartheid policies.

But Ron wants you to feel sorry for the poor tiny Jewish State that everyone hates. I am sure that Ron actually believes the nonsense Zionist propaganda that he spews. Their propaganda machine is so powerful that they themselves believe their own lies.
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by freedom »

Hello Elvis,

Despite all the loud and vulgar language used by many in this post, know that there are many decent and conscientious people who support you in your decision to boycott the concerts.

For all the talk of supporting terrorists, the far right Israelis who posted entries here neglect to mention that every Israeli prime minister was a terrorist. My father and uncle were both victims of Menachem Begins (the Irgun) bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1948 which killed 150 civilians. Just one tiny example of Zionist terror used to ethnically cleanse. They haven't given up terror either...they have only perfected the art.
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by ron17 »

Dear Elvis
I ask myself during the last few days why I took your decision so tough. Yes, I'm one of your fans. Yes I bought some of your CDs and DVDs. Yes, few minutes after knowing about your plans for 30.6.2010 I ordered 2 tickets for my wife and for me…
And you made your decision and apologized me for canceling (very politely) and ill probably will put your DVD and will see you on my TV on 30.6 instead of watching you live.
So why did I take it so bad? Nothing really happened.
but something did happen! The illusion that you are a friend of mine was over.
When I hear your warm voice on "so like candy", when I hear your guitar gently weeps on your touching version of "wild horses", when I hear the melody of "Alison" and when I hear you say, sing and cry "I want you" like no other desperate lover sang before, I thought I m having a friend.
No you don’t know me and I don’t really know you but your art make me feel like we have a connection after you succeed to express something I couldn’t do myself and push some buttons in my heart.
It was all illusion. You are not my friend.
The one who did it want to isolate me, to hurt me, to say to me "you are not like me, you're not part of the free world", to discriminate me because of my nationality.

Elvis , you probably think you're better human being now after your decision.
The true is that you are just very small and little politician now. One who gave up to political pressure (it's really irony you justify your cancellation because your visit can "be interpreted as a political act" and made one of the biggest political act any artist did in the last years.)
I'm not going to get into details of the Palestine- Israel conflict (a lot has been written and said about it and in the end each side has its true) but say this:
Israel is a real and free democracy .Israel is Part of the free world. A
B I don’t think you get the objective messages and knowledge about the conflict on your media. You are welcome here to Israel to see it in your eyes (Gaza – Tel Aviv Ram Allah and Jerusalem- 30.6 is still free? So come as a tourist)
C Israel is in a middle of conflict. A lot of people are suffering on both sides .it is well known. No other democratic country could manage the conflict better .We are in conflict for our children's future. We are in conflict with people who are suffering and deserve to get our mercy on one hand but on the other we must not forget that huge part of them are having death wish for us(yes , my ex friend – like it or not- you are include) and for themselves. They are not sharing the same values of life we have my ex friend- please don’t forget that. It's very easy and PC to be empathy to- what you think is -the weak side. The reality is much more complicate than this. You took the superficial decision.

D USA and UK (for example) responsible right now (not talking about history….) for suffering of innocent people not less than Israel – when will you cancel and punish your fans there? Where is your logic my ex friend?

You disappointed me.
I can donate my tickets payback of your cancelled show to the suffering people from both sides like part of Israelis do (you could do that by yourself), but the message you sent to the world is very problematic and can't be forgiven
We will keep on listening to your very good music but we will not forget that the man behind the music is a little politician.
That’s the good part about art – your music will stay when your superficial opinion will pass away.

We love your music. We really understand from where your decision came out. We understand that your aim is true. Nevertheless you make the wrong decision and a brilliant mistake.
You don’t really have love for us and you don’t really understand the conflict.

Tomorrow, please try to write a completely new chapter in your book

(Bye and peace in Hebrew)
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by defender110 »

from canada I know we hardly hear of this performer anymore and quite possibly he striving for attention by the fact he knows where he is going and then has an inexplicable change of heart and runs to announce it publicly. He truly sounds like a foolish man and would love to see him boycott other countries who are far more or I should say violaters of peoples rights; but all know he wouldn't garner the same publicity he needs. If there is any consolation, we in canada read a very small blurt in the back of an entertainment section and we all laugh at the obvious naive or possibly the wacked out perspective of Orwellism thinking rampant in British society; where good is perceived as bad and vice versa, have alot of friends which are applying to emigart cause the appeasing natures; as such with Costello, are bringing acceptance of endorsemnt of hate and bigotry and nuclear amargedon to the gates of britain like no other time since the Churchillian days. It starts with drawing a simple cartoon and all being physically afraid of it's ramnifications.... and in your own country.... wake up Costello.... and I think Ill throw out all my cassettes of Elvis did he ever make it to CD.
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by jmm »

Just can't shake Tokyo Storm Warning in this case, I guess some folks have decided to "mention" this particular "protest singer" again
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by Ypsilanti »

from canada I know we hardly hear of this performer anymore and quite possibly he striving for attention by the fact he knows where he is going and then has an inexplicable change of heart and runs to announce it publicly. He truly sounds like a foolish man and would love to see him boycott other countries who are far more or I should say violaters of peoples rights; but all know he wouldn't garner the same publicity he needs. If there is any consolation, we in canada read a very small blurt in the back of an entertainment section and we all laugh at the obvious naive or possibly the wacked out perspective of Orwellism thinking rampant in British society; where good is perceived as bad and vice versa, have alot of friends which are applying to emigart cause the appeasing natures; as such with Costello, are bringing acceptance of endorsemnt of hate and bigotry and nuclear amargedon to the gates of britain like no other time since the Churchillian days. It starts with drawing a simple cartoon and all being physically afraid of it's ramnifications.... and in your own country.... wake up Costello.... and I think Ill throw out all my cassettes of Elvis did he ever make it to CD.
Hey all you new "board members"--supporters of Israel and Palestine alike---

If you think by posting here you're somehow "communicating" with Elvis--if you think he's going to log on and read your words--Check it out: HE WON'T. Take that shit over to Facebook (where he still won't read it, but at least it seems like he might).

This is just an innocent, little Fan Forum--you know... a place for Elvis' FANS to discuss his music--to discuss his long, fascinating career and--YES, IT'S TRUE--his artistically & culturally significant body of work. Since--believe it or not--he is widely regarded as one of the finest songwriters currently alive on Planet Earth, his FANS generally find plenty to talk about.

Some of you people seem like you might actually be real fans--or maybe could become real fans. If so, I'm sure everyone here welcomes you and hopes you stick around.

If you are not a fan, like the useless, insipid douche-bag I have quoted above, perhaps you should take your impotent rage and your bad spelling to a more appropriate forum.

And by the way...I'm sure it goes without saying that the members of this forum personally fall along the entire spectrum of opinions regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict. We've all had to come to terms with the situation in the Middle East in ways that feel right in our hearts and minds. Which is also what Elvis has done--and if you had actually read what he wrote on his website--and by that I mean absorbed it...comprehended it...thought about it...and if you were also capable of more than just mindless, knee-jerk reactions--you'd understand that.
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by yaniv297 »

ron17 wrote:Dear Elvis
I ask myself during the last few days why I took your decision so tough. Yes, I'm one of your fans. Yes I bought some of your CDs and DVDs. Yes, few minutes after knowing about your plans for 30.6.2010 I ordered 2 tickets for my wife and for me…
And you made your decision and apologized me for canceling (very politely) and ill probably will put your DVD and will see you on my TV on 30.6 instead of watching you live.
So why did I take it so bad? Nothing really happened.
but something did happen! The illusion that you are a friend of mine was over.
When I hear your warm voice on "so like candy", when I hear your guitar gently weeps on your touching version of "wild horses", when I hear the melody of "Alison" and when I hear you say, sing and cry "I want you" like no other desperate lover sang before, I thought I m having a friend.
No you don’t know me and I don’t really know you but your art make me feel like we have a connection after you succeed to express something I couldn’t do myself and push some buttons in my heart.
It was all illusion. You are not my friend.
The one who did it want to isolate me, to hurt me, to say to me "you are not like me, you're not part of the free world", to discriminate me because of my nationality.

Elvis , you probably think you're better human being now after your decision.
The true is that you are just very small and little politician now. One who gave up to political pressure (it's really irony you justify your cancellation because your visit can "be interpreted as a political act" and made one of the biggest political act any artist did in the last years.)
I'm not going to get into details of the Palestine- Israel conflict (a lot has been written and said about it and in the end each side has its true) but say this:
Israel is a real and free democracy .Israel is Part of the free world. A
B I don’t think you get the objective messages and knowledge about the conflict on your media. You are welcome here to Israel to see it in your eyes (Gaza – Tel Aviv Ram Allah and Jerusalem- 30.6 is still free? So come as a tourist)
C Israel is in a middle of conflict. A lot of people are suffering on both sides .it is well known. No other democratic country could manage the conflict better .We are in conflict for our children's future. We are in conflict with people who are suffering and deserve to get our mercy on one hand but on the other we must not forget that huge part of them are having death wish for us(yes , my ex friend – like it or not- you are include) and for themselves. They are not sharing the same values of life we have my ex friend- please don’t forget that. It's very easy and PC to be empathy to- what you think is -the weak side. The reality is much more complicate than this. You took the superficial decision.

D USA and UK (for example) responsible right now (not talking about history….) for suffering of innocent people not less than Israel – when will you cancel and punish your fans there? Where is your logic my ex friend?

You disappointed me.
I can donate my tickets payback of your cancelled show to the suffering people from both sides like part of Israelis do (you could do that by yourself), but the message you sent to the world is very problematic and can't be forgiven
We will keep on listening to your very good music but we will not forget that the man behind the music is a little politician.
That’s the good part about art – your music will stay when your superficial opinion will pass away.

We love your music. We really understand from where your decision came out. We understand that your aim is true. Nevertheless you make the wrong decision and a brilliant mistake.
You don’t really have love for us and you don’t really understand the conflict.

Tomorrow, please try to write a completely new chapter in your book

(Bye and peace in Hebrew)

Easily the best Elvis letter I've read... btw I'd love to stick around since I do really like Costello (or at least, his music).
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by Ypsilanti »

btw I'd love to stick around since I do really like Costello (or at least, his music).
Hope you do stick around, Yaniv. Your posts have been very interesting.
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by Dr. Luther »

At least a couple of these first-time posters are obviously being prompted by "special interest groups", or a figurehead or two of the "cause", to express their displeasure with the "Israel-hating" Elvis Costello.
(Or perhaps it's merely Sean Hannity.)

They can't be taken seriously when they are not engaging in true dialogue.
I'll tune them out -- as I would a WalMart commercial.
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by The imposter »

I’ve mixed feelings about this..

While it’s certainly true that Israel ignores international law and is guilty of “crimes against humanity” How many other nations should we include..?
I agree with Costello’s comments

“ the audience for the coming concerts would have contained many people who question the policies of their government”


"It’s like never appearing in the US because you didn’t like Bush’s policies or boycotting England because of Margaret Thatcher.”

Hell, if that was a pre-requisite he’d have never played in The UK between 1979 until the 90s and never set foot in the states for most of his career!

I’d also question the influence the “Sun City” boycott had on the fall of apartheid in South Africa. How many top international acts play there, before OR after?

I do believe though that International pressure and sanctions were instrumental in bringing about change in South Africa and music must be a part of that, however small.

On the other hand Costello is also correct when he says

"merely having your name added to a concert schedule may be interpreted as a political act"

It’s unfortunate and also embarrassing that the dates were ever announced because NOW his decision to cancel is ALSO a political act.

I was surprised when the concerts were announced. This should have been anticipated. It’s just a fact of life that playing Israel is seen as a political act, as is cancelling a scheduled appearance. Alternatively, not agreeing to play there and saying nothing appears to me to be the only rational option.

Makes me wonder if dates are announced without his knowledge! Ultimately it is the correct decision but this headache could have been avoided. Why is it that Santana & Gil Scott Heron also had to agree to play before cancelling ?? If Diana Krall’s shows go ahead, then that makes the decision even more bizarre.

I’m sorry for the ticket holders, who have been mainly silent up to now; but I couldn’t care less for his hysterical new found “anti fans”, who if taken for their word should be relieved he cancelled.

I echo Elvis’ sentiments when he looks forward to:

a better time when I would not be writing this.

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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by A rope leash »

After reading through all this crap, I think Elvis should boycott the human race.

America gives Isreal three billion dollars a year. We borrow it from Japan and China. We supply their overdone armed forces, and we have pledged to support their defense "no matter what".

Britian is also a steadfast supporter of Israel, and like the USA supports them "no matter what".

Canada, likewise.

So, one little Western rocker decides he doesn't like Israel, and suddenly the swarm engulfs him. How is that?

The fact is, a lot of people in the world hate Israel, just like they hate the USA...not because of our "freedoms", and not because they are "Jews". They hate them because they are assholes that can't make a point without trampling on other people's land and have no compulsion against overkill and and the destruction of innocent lives.

Gaza is a prison camp. Someone throws a rock, and you shoot at them. Someone shoots some handmade bottle rockets, you send in the IDF and destroy whole neighborhoods. Someone tries to protest, and you run over them with a bulldozer. You look for the tiniest excuse to destroy. The USA supports you because we are kindred.

People hate you because you are genocidal creeps, or appear to be.

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/zQHxFEId47I&hl ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/zQHxFEId47I&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/youtube1]

O, I know it's not the "people of Israel" doing this...it's the "government". Well, just like the good old USA, you get what you vote for.

palaestine_wiped_off_the_map.jpg (75.09 KiB) Viewed 23877 times

Elvis is a very smart man. He doesn't make a decision like this without having his facts straight.

Israel doesn't deserve his presence.

Thank you, Elvis, for once again earning my fealty.
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by A rope leash »

Did Carlos Santana and Snoop Dog also boycott Israel?

http://www.politicaltheatrics.net/2010/ ... -to-elton/

It's not impossible that Elton, Joan, and Bob will cancel.

The thing is, does it really mean anything?
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by pjc1031 »

Elvis is smarter and infinitely more socially-aware than most people can ever hope to be. The entire world knows what's going on in South Afri, excuse me, Israel. Anyone with a conscience and half a brain knows how disgusting and deceitful the Israelis have behaved over the past 50 years. Any suggestion that Israel hasn't done to the Palestinians exactly what was done to them is "home team" denial plain and simple. Elvis did the right thing.
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Joined: Wed May 19, 2010 3:48 pm

Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by freedom »

Sorry to all the Elvis fans who come here to just talk about Elvis's music. Personally I was looking for a place where I could support Elvis knowing full well he was about to be attacked by the Israeli smear machine. Elvis joins a long list of courageous people who are labeled as bigots and anti-semites merely for criticizing or taking a moral stand against Israels policies. Those of us who know first hand the evils of Israel must support courageous people like Elvis. Best Wishes to Elvis and his true Fans.
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