who can I think of?

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who can I think of?

Post by billyboy2674 »

in music today that actually gets better with age aside from elvis?
well the stones are still good but not as......
elton isn't even a shadow of his former self......
and so on and so on-I'm sure there has to be someone out there-just cant think of anyone besides elvis.
to me he's THE MAN no questions asked.
It's quite incredible that a man with such a consistent discography to his credit is now reaching his prime.extraordinary.Hope he never retires and keeps crooning till he's 80+.lol
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Otis Westinghouse
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Post by Otis Westinghouse »

Well a very obvious example is the renaissance of Bowie. After a huge, huge dip in quality throughout the 80s, he was improved by unreliable in the 90s, and has been stunning in the 21st century. Perhaps he was always too far ahead of himself to be a fin de siecle artist, and was inspired by the prosepct of a new century to become great again, or perhaps it was Visconti who reaquainted him with the art of hitting the nail on the head, but either way Heathen and Reality are two great signs of rejuvenation and creative heights. He'll never match what he did in the 70s, just as Elvis is unlikely to match GH!!, IB or KOA, but what's important is that what they're doing is vital, valid, original, memorable and worthy of their great names.

I accept the point you made elsewhere that his voice is improving, the singing I saw in London was often amazing, and maybe DK is helping with some voice tuition here, but I don't think he's getting better as such. Too much to ask.

The saddest example for me of decline is Van The Man. Whereas Neil Young might still write new stuff that is really worth hearing, and will always take interesting and original new steps, Van is just in worn out retread mode, though to be fair I haven't bought a new LP of his in over 10 years. But from what I've heard and read, he's just stuck in retro mode with an increasingly limited voice, unlike Bowie, whose voice on Reality is fantastic (giving up the Marlboroughs has clearly paid dividends). Anyone care to recommend What's Wrong With This Picture? (the new Van LP, not the brilliant Lloy Cole and the Negatives song!)?
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Post by BlueChair »

Van Morrison is still capable of making solid albums, but like you mentioned Otis, there's nothing fresh sounding about them. Still, I liked 1999's Back On Top, and his last album Down The Road quite a bit, and I hear his new album's good too. Though it's sad listening to his live recordings from the 70's and then reading reviews of his concerts nowadays.
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Post by laughingcrow »

Tom Waits and Nick Lowe's last couple of albums have been really good, amongst their best work.
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Post by noiseradio »

Bowie, baby. And not a lot of others. Some acts have potential, but they will have to survive for another decade before they qualify. Like Radiohead, who I think are very much on top of their game. I would be very greatly surprised if that were true 3 albums from now.
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