Lost Highway site update

Pretty self-explanatory
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Lost Highway site update

Post by wardo68 »

The good news: EC's picture with a dynamic link has been added to the losthighwayrecords.com landing page (two posters to the right of the door).

The bad news: the link goes to the existing official site we've been staring at since North came out.

Baby steps, I tell myself. Any day now.
Sour Milk Cow
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Post by Sour Milk Cow »

Elvis, where art thou?

His website was really cool when WIWC came out. He answered questions, posted his journal, and it was really exciting. Looking back, I think he must have been in the final stages of his marriage falling apart, and it was pre-Diana Krall. Hence, he had the time and energy to devote to the website.

Now, he is happily married, and perhaps has neither the time nor the inclination to devote to managing a website. I wish he would hire someone to maintain it for him, and that person could solicit content from EC as needed.

There could be a new free mp3 every month, and maybe EC could stream a weekly radio program where he spins some of his favorite records by other people. I hope that there will be a better array of web content to promote The Delivery Man and Il Sogno than we had for North. It would be so cool if the site returned to its former glory.
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Post by laughingcrow »

I think the fact is, we were spoiled with the journal and Ask Elvis....any other musician's website has the same old stuff, disocgraphy, tour dates, link to a shop, few pics, maybe some downloads, etc....I think a musician of his popularity deserves a better website that encompases all his released music, but I don't think we'll ever see the return of the journal or Ask Elvis unfortunately.
Sour Milk Cow
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Post by Sour Milk Cow »

I agree. I think there was a brief, two month period of time when Elvis actually took an interest in his own website. He clearly didn't give a care by the time that North came out. It's his own loss, because it only takes a small amount of energy to "energize the base" (to borrow an election year cliche!)

Oh well. It was nice while we had it. But I guess I'd rather have two new albums than one album and a web journal. No reasons to complain this year!!!!!!
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