The Professor and the Madman

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The Professor and the Madman

Post by BlueChair »

The Professor and the Madman: A Tale of Murder, Insanity, and the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary
by Simon Winchester

Has anybody read this book? Someone told me about it today and it sounds really interesting.


The compilation of the Oxford English Dictionary, 70 years in the making, was an intellectually heroic feat with a twist worthy of the greatest mystery fiction: one of its most valuable contributors was a criminally insane American physician, locked up in an English asylum for murder. British stage actor Simon Jones leads us through this uncommon meeting of minds (the other belonging to self-educated dictionary editor James Murray) at full gallop. Ultimately, it's hard to say which is more remarkable: the facts of this amazingly well-researched story, or the sound of author Simon Winchester's erudite prose. Jones's reading smoothly transports listeners to the 19th century, reminding us why so many brilliant people obsessively set out to catalogue the English language. This unabridged version contains an interview between Winchester and John Simpson, editor of the Oxford dictionary.
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Post by bobster »

Supposed to be a very good book.

It may be in turn-around, but I think there's a movie in the works. -- Where "hopelessly dated" is a compliment!
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Post by pophead2k »

I've read it Blue, and its outstanding. The guy has just written another one as well regarding the OED but I have not checked that one out yet.
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