Review: Bob Dylan, Stockholm Oct 11

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Review: Bob Dylan, Stockholm Oct 11

Post by martinfoyle »
Here's a great review of Bob's show last night in Stockholm.

-Review by Vil

During the day I had a sauna 3 stops away by commuter train from my home. I did some weightlifting. After that I went to a shopping center closer to my home, looked at some books, sat around, had some small food. Walked home, ca. half an hour, past a lake, sat for a while, it was sunny as it has been all day. Went home, cooked some beans, rested for a while, then off to Globen. I started walking at 7 pm, so I had to hurry. The Globe is not far away, there is an outdoors football arena nearby, while there is a match You can hear the loud cheers all the way home. (Bruce Springsteen is on the stereo where I am now, an IT cafe, "I'm goin' down" !) I walked small calm roads past villas, then a big green, from where You see the Globe. It seemed to blush some in the moonlight, it has been full the other day. Maybe an aura. Arrived, there were still cues to get in. Walked the circular pathway up to where I had my seat. This is the furthest away I've beenfrom the stage, however I was lucky to have a ticket at all. I was in the top area, in the lower part of it. Had anticipated a stagerush all the time, to get closer. Well ... The band' s appearance: Bob: Black costume, silver piping it looked like. No hat. Looked 20 all the while, powerful, fit, energetic. Was at the piano, and sometimes at the guitar. Quite some harp. Larry: 3/4 length coat, grey, could be black pants. Tony: Suit, saw mostly the back of him. Koella: not sure, didn't notice really .. red and white ? George: beret. My sensation: I wasn' t intent on being overwhelmed by love, sheer strong love, for Bob. These are not the days I figure that he has the remedy for what I am having. It is on the inside. However I let love conquer me. There was a sharpness in his deliverance, it's a Bob trademark to me. I am doing a lot of spiritual discipline and sense a communication taking place. If noone in the world except those really close can't see, affirm me, then Bob can. The spiritual journey is a lonely one, really it involves the isolation of the "I" from the collective. I sense a nod, very lightly, from Bob. The magic moment There always has been one or several in every show I can recall. The way a word is sung, mostly, or/and something in Bob' s presence. This time it was during "It ain't me, babe". I wasn't intent on moving either - and in Sweden we don't dance during these concerts, however I here started swinging, smiling. "It' s alright, ma" was strongly delivered too. (I haven't got the setlist so I don't comment each song). Stagerush It came maybe 5-6 songs into the set. "Every grain ..." sent tears from my right eye. I would say from a deeper source. Life in Sweden has not been a party this fall, the climate has been freezy, and more aggressive than usually. So, it is kind of a release to experience, embrace this, whatever it is, really. Had to go back to my seat, security told me, us. Ok, really, had stayed there for a while. A small lady had been bumping slightly into me with the beat down there, a delicate erotic sensation. Nice... Crowd reception I looked, listened, sensed: This was something far out. Honest, lively, intense cheering, clapping and stomping. It has been a while that Bob & Band have been here, and now was the needed time. Nachspiel Not really ... Went to this cafe to share just a little. Good friendly atmosphère as usual around, after the show, standing around, walking away... This is the closest to a love-in I have been for long. Intrusions into the psyche are healed with love. And that happens (intrusion), if Your web isn' t really whole. So ...this was remedy ! All good to everyone, everywhere. Special thanks to I - M for ticket ! - Vil
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Otis Westinghouse
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Post by Otis Westinghouse »

Wow, all those emotions and a 'delicate erotic sensation' to boot. What more can you ask for at a gig?
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