Nordland Music Festival, Bodo (Norway), August 2, 2013

Pretty self-explanatory
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sweetest punch
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Nordland Music Festival, Bodo (Norway), August 2, 2013

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Since you put me down, it seems i've been very gloomy. You may laugh but pretty girls look right through me.
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Re: Nordland Music Festival, Bodo (Norway), August 2, 2013

Post by krm »

Norway has 3 shows on the schedule now! Sweden 0!!! Roadtrip?????
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Re: Nordland Music Festival, Bodo (Norway), August 2, 2013

Post by krm »

From the local newspaper Avisa Nordland there is a short interview with EC

apparently he will be joined by Svante Henryson who played on For the Stars during that show!

Google translate interpret the article as follows:
Elvis Costello roses musikkfestukeprofil Svante Henryson for his enormous span. In Bodø 2 August they'll be on stage together.

It is the first time Costello's hearing in the northernmost part of the country, and he promises that he will "work out something special for Bodo" ​​with one of his former partners, the Swedish musician and composer Svante Henryson, which is music festival this week festival profile.

- His scope of music is immense, says Costello, who rejoice. He thinks it's fun to play with different powers.

- All music is really about collaboration, you always work with someone. I play with a jazz group, an orchestra, a rock band, I'm working acoustic, sometimes solo. I call it my various adventures.

Missing family.

The Elvis Costello hate to go away from his wife Diana Krall and their six year old twin sons, the Norwegian public good.

- It makes me want to play better. I think I'm playing better now than in the past, because I want it to count. The concert will be worth the absence from the family. Therefore, I am very sorry if it's a bad gig, says Costello (58).

As a player a lot: When NTB recently spoke with him by phone, he had toured in Australia, made Texas' other night, "and New Orleans right before it.

Best in Norway.

This week he begins his European tour with The Imposters in England, where he set the stage in Hyde Park in July with Elton John and Ray Davies, on a night where "the best of British songwriting" to be celebrated. In all makes Costello close to 40 concerts - where the four Norwegian is among the very last.

- Norway is the country, except England, which has more concert dates. There must be a good sign! he laughs.

Elvis Costello gets to experience St. Olav Festival in Trondheim, Elverum Music Festival, at USF in Bergen - and on the opening day of Nordland Music Festival.

Brighter time.

He also looks forward to returning to Norway in slightly lighter personal times. Last time, two years ago, just before his father died after a long illness.

- I used the music to come back to life again, he said.

While Bergen is an old acquaintance ("it's beautiful there), he has never been to Trondheim or in Elverum.

- That I after 35 years as a perpetual touring artist can discover new places. It is not so long since I made my debut in Korea, he says with characteristic curiosity.

The European tour will be Elvis Costello rock with The Imposters again.

- It's been a while since we've played together, the last thing I did was solo. Then we're a rock 'n' roll band.

Certainly they do not with the "wheel of fortune" who decides which songs to be played at each concert. But boring is not it, says Costello:

- We play rarely the same two nights in a row. Most bands have practiced 20 to 30 songs. We have practiced in 150, he says.

- And you remember all the lyrics?

- Unfortunately, I remember everything that happens, Costello laughs, before adding more seriously that it's good to not be predictable. - Then it's never routine.

Nevertheless, he promises the audience to play old favorites. - They have kept them in their hearts. I have great respect for.
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Re: Nordland Music Festival, Bodo (Norway), August 2, 2013

Post by Man out of Time »

Apparently the Norwegian Culture Minister, Hadia Tajik, is attending Elvis' show.

This article: says:

"Kulturminister Hadia Tajik tar turen til Bodø i begynnelsen av august for å foreta den offisielle åpningen Nordland Musikkfestuke på Bodø torg kl 12.00.

- Jeg ser frem til å komme til Bodø og åpne Musikkfestuka som kulturminister. Jeg besøkte festivalen i fjor sommer, og gleder meg til å komme tilbake, sier Hadia Tajik.

Ministeren får også med seg konserten med Elvis Costello fredag kveld. For Musikkfestuka er det veldig hyggelig at kulturminister Hadia Tajik kommer for å overvære konsert og åpne festivalen. Vi lover at det kommer til å bli en veldig flott åpning på torget i år. Fra scenen får vi musikk av festivalprofil Svante Henryson og med cabaretsangeren Tora Augestad. I tillegg har vi også noen overraskelser på lur som vi ikke vil avsløre riktig enda. Det blir selvfølgelig også gratis kaffe og kake, sol og herlig festivalstemning!"

Google Translate renders that into English thus:

"Culture Hadia Tajik heading to Bodø in early August for the official opening Nordland Music Festival in Bodø Square at 12.00.

- I look forward to coming to Bodø and open Musikkfestuka as Minister of Culture. I visited the festival last summer and can not wait to come back, says Hadia Tajik.

The Minister will also bring the concert with Elvis Costello Friday evening. For Musikkfestuka it is very nice that Culture Hadia Tajik come to witness the concert and open the festival. We promise it's going to be a very good opening on the square this year. From the stage we get music festival profile Svante Henryson and cabaret singer Tora Augestad. In addition, we also have some surprises in store that we will not reveal just yet. There are of course also free tea and cake, sunshine and wonderful festival atmosphere!"

Why can't more of Elvis' concerts include free tea and cake? (cake) "Crumb and Bone" (china) anyone?

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Re: Nordland Music Festival, Bodo (Norway), August 2, 2013

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Anyone etc?
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Re: Nordland Music Festival, Bodo (Norway), August 2, 2013

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this one! :-)
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Re: Nordland Music Festival, Bodo (Norway), August 2, 2013

Post by sweetest punch »

Skuffende salg før Elvis-konsert

Under 1000 Elvis-billetter er solgt. Musikkfestukedirektør André Wallann Larsen håper mange kjøper billett i døra.

Hittil har drøyt 900 kjøpt billett til Elvis Costellos konsert i Bodø Spektrum fredag kveld. Bodø Spektrum blir rigget slik at det er plass til 1500 publikummere, men det kunne også vært gjort plass til det dobbelte. Publikumsinteressen har imidlertid ikke vært så stor hittil.

– Selger vi 1500 billetter, er vi kjempefornøyd. På spektrumkonsertene de siste årene har det ikke vært utsolgt og vi har opplevd at mange har kjøpt konsert i døra, sier André Wallan Larsen, direktør i Nordland Musikkfestuke.

Han tror mange kan komme til å angre i ettertid at de ikke benyttet sjansen når en verdensstjerne som Costello besøker Bodø.

– Dette blir trolig eneste mulighet til å høre Elvis Costello i Bodø. Han kommer til Norge etter å ha fått knallkritikker i Storbritannia.

jeg tror dette blir en stor opplevelse. Og det skjer kun denne kvelden.

Wallann Larsen tror ikke billettprisen på 450 kr skremmer folk fra å kjøpe billett.

– Under 500 kr for en så stor stjerne er ikke en høy pris, mener musikkfestukedirektøren.
Google translation:

Disappointing sales before Elvis concert

In 1000 Elvis tickets are sold. Musikkfestukedirektør André Wallann Larsen hope many people buy tickets at the door.

To date, over 900 to buy tickets for Elvis Costello concert in Bodø Spektrum Friday night. Bodø Spektrum is rigged so that there is room for 1500 spectators, but it could also have room for the double. The public interest has not been so great so far.

- If we sell 1500 tickets, we are very pleased. The spectrum concerts in recent years, it has not been sold and we have found that many have bought concert in the door, says André Wallan Larsen, director of Nordland Music Festival.

He believes many may come to regret later that they used the opportunity when a world star like Costello visiting Bodø.

- This is probably the only opportunity to hear Elvis Costello in Bodø. He comes to Norway after having been extremely critical acclaim in the UK.

I think this will be a great experience. And it's just this evening.

Wallann Larsen do not think the ticket price of £ 450 scare people from buying tickets.

- Less than $ 500 for such a big star is not a high price, says musikkfestukedirektøren.
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Re: Nordland Music Festival, Bodo (Norway), August 2, 2013

Post by sweetest punch »

Sa nei takk til Elvis

Allerede på 80-tallet kunne Elvis Costello stått på scena i Bodø.

Men Tor Olav Andreassen feiget ut. Risikoen ble for stor da bodømannen selv måtte garantere for utgiftene og risikerte personlig gjeld hvis publikum uteble, så det ble aldri noen konsert den gang.

Fredag er imidlertid artisten klar for Bodø, nesten 30 år etter forrige mulighet. Og historien til Andreassen er så god at musikkfestuka mener han fortjener å få billetter til konserten.

Andreassen vant dermed konkurransen som musikkfestuka utlyste sist lørdag.

– Det blir spesielt å endelig oppleve ham live, sier Andreassen som har de fleste platene Costello har gitt ut. På vinyl selvfølgelig.

Her er Tor Olavs Costello-historie fortalt med hans egne ord:

Min bakgrunn er fra Bodø Rockeklubb, en frivillig og idealistisk organisasjon som herjet Bodø på ‘80-tallet.

Vi hadde arrangert store og små konserter (og klubbjobber) siden 1979, og hadde sakte, men sikkert etablert oss som en av Norges ledende rocke-arrangører. En god miks av lokale, nasjonale og internasjonale band gjorde at vi hadde etablert oss som et noenlunde seriøst navn i Konsert-Norge.

Så en sommerdag på 80-tallet (trolig i 1984) ble jeg oppringt av en agent i Oslo: Om jeg (dvs. Bodø Rockeklubb) kunne være interessert i å gjøre en jobb med Elvis Costello? Han hadde nemlig vært på en turne i Amerika med sitt nye konsept «lykkehjulet» der fansen fikk lov til å komme opp på scena og i beste tivoli-stil snurre et lykkehjul med sangtitler, hvorpå Elvis og bandet deretter spilte den sangen som lykkehjulet stoppet på.

Costello (- eller mest sannsynlig manageren!) hadde bestemt seg for å gjøre tre konserter i Europa med det nye lykkehjulkonseptet, og interessen rundt omkring i vår verdensdel hadde visstnok ikke vært overveldende.

Wow. Selvfølgelig hadde jeg lyst til å gjøre dette. Jeg hadde hørt på Costello siden førstesingelen «Alison» og albumet «My Aim Is True», og allerede den gangen (‘84?) hadde Costello vært gjennom flere hamskifter (country! soul!) and didn’t we love it.

Nå tror jeg at dette tilbudet om konsert i Bodø kom en liten stund etter at bassisten hadde forlatt The Attractions i en sky av ukvemsord (her kan jeg ta feil ...), og jeg har et uklart minne om at karrieren hans var ansett på å være på vei nedover.

Det kan sannsynligvis forklare den labre interessen fra europeiske konsertarrangører.

Next step: Logistikken. Dette var jo i en tid der det faktisk ikke fantes et PA-anlegg i Bodø. For ikke å snakke om andre ting som engelske band tok som en selvfølge: «drum riser», lysrigg, backstage area» – you name it.

Kort sagt: Hvis vi skulle hyre Costello og lykkehjulet så måtte vi ut av ingenting skape den absolutt største «environment» rundt konserten som noensinne hadde vært sett i Bodø.

Og det falt meg ikke inn å kompromisse: Engelske band og roadmanagere var kjent for å være kompromissløse mht. utstyr. Og det kan jeg fremdeles skjønne. Det er viktig å oppfylle alle krav sånn at man ikke skjemmer seg ut.

Videre: Honorar. Jeg kan med hånden på hjertet si at jeg husker ikke hva som var honorarkravet. I tillegg kom flybilletter for Elvis, bandet, road crew og hangers-on. Og hotell! Til alle! Overvekt på flyet! Catering! Uforutsette utgifter!!! Pluss logistikk som beskrevet ovenfor. Så den øvelsen som gikk ut på å summere alle utgiftspostene – it just tore my heart out.

Kunne så utgiftspostene forsvares mot publikumsinteressen? Jo da, det var noen «die hard» fans her i Bodø. Blant annet husker jeg fra gamle Inside Discotheque at DJ-ene satte sin ære inn på å spille «Watching The Detectives» hver gang stedet ble frekventert av sivilkledde politifolk på spaningspatrulje – (de var lett gjenkjennelige ...!!).

Men for 99 prosent av bodøværingene så var dessverre responsen «Elvis kafførnåkka?!?!?! - han e jo død». Så det var lett å forestille seg en aldeles fantastisk Costello-konsert enten i Fram Kino eller på Sinus med 46 betalende tilskuere.

Situasjonen ble ikke bedre av at Bodø Rockeklubb levde fra hånd til munn. Hadde vi hatt et overskuddsarrangement med publikumsmagneter som f.eks. Veslefrikk, Nøkken eller Jonas Fjeld Band; så brukte vi gjerne overskuddet på å arrangere konserter med ukjente lokale eller nasjonale band. Ingen som spurte om spillejobb skulle være uvelkomne på klubben.

Så bankkontoen var bunnskrapt.Så med kroner null i bakhanda, og ganske seriøse økonomiske forpliktelser i horisonten, så var den eneste utveien for å realisere Costello-drømmen at jeg måtte garantere personlig for alle utgifter for den planlagte konserten.

Av og til kan en ung og lovende konsertarrangør bli stilt ovenfor valg som ikke er lette å ta. Men jeg er helt sikker på at hvis jeg hadde takket ja til Elvis Costello den gangen, så hadde jeg fremdeles betalt på lånet som jeg hadde vært nødt til å ta opp. Og det virket ikke spesielt forlokkende. Verken den gang eller nå.

Jada. Så jeg feiget ut, og ga min venn i Oslo beskjed om at det dessverre var umulig for oss å arrangere noen konsert med Costello.

Jo da, jeg kunne oppnådd en uovertruffet og evig legendestatus som «gutten som arrangerte Costello i Bodø» – og det hadde jo vært noe å ha på CV-en! – men det lot seg dessverre overhodet ikke gjøre.

Markedssjef i musikkfestuka, Linda Skipnes Strand er fornøyd med responsen på Costello-konkurransen:

– Det er tydelig at Costello har en del trofaste fans her i byen, for de aller fleste forslagene kom fra folk som hadde alle platene hans. Gjerne både på vinyl og cd. Og det er jo veldig imponerende med tanke på hvor utrolig mange plater Costello har gitt ut opp gjennom årene, sier markedssjefen som begrunner valget av vinneren slik:

– Tor Olav valgte vi rett og slett fordi vi syntes det var en veldig god historie. Vi var ikke klar over at Costello NESTEN hadde vært i Bodø tidligere, og så er vi jo glade for at vi kan bidra til at han endelig kommer til byen. Med de aller fleste riderkrav oppfylt, avslutter Skipnes Strand med et smil.
Google translation:

Said no thanks to Elvis

Already in the 80's to Elvis Costello stood on stage in Bodø.

But Tor Olav Andreassen chickened out. The risk was too great when bodø man himself had to underwrite the expenses and risked personal liability if the crowd did not materialize, so there was never any concert ever.

Friday, however, the artist aware of Bodø, nearly 30 years after the last option. And the history of Andreassen's so good that Musikkfestuka think he deserves to get tickets to the concert.

Andreassen winning the competition Musikkfestuka announced last Saturday.

- There will be special to finally see him live, says Andreassen, most plates Costello has released. On vinyl of course.

Here's Tor Olav Costello story told in his own words:

My background is from Bodo Rock Club, a voluntary, non-profit organization that devastated the Bodo '80's.

We had arranged large and small concerts (and club gigs) since 1979, and had slowly but surely established ourselves as one of the leading rock promoters. A good mix of local, national and international bands made sure we had established ourselves as a fairly serious names in Concert Norway.

Then one summer day in the 80s (probably in 1984) I was called by an agent in Oslo: If I (ie Bodo Rock club) could be interested in doing a job with Elvis Costello? He had in fact been on tour in America with its new concept "wheel of fortune" where fans were allowed to come up on stage and in the best carnival-style spin a wheel of fortune with song titles, and then Elvis and the band then played the song wheel of fortune stopped .

Costello (- or most likely the manager!) Had decided to do three concerts in Europe with the new wheel of fortune concept and interest around our continent had apparently not been overwhelming.

Wow. Of course I wanted to do this. I had heard of the Costello since the first single "Alison" and the album "My Aim Is True" and even then ('84?) Costello had been through several molting (country! soul!) And did not we love it.

Now I think that this offer of concert in Bodø came a little while after the bassist had left the attraction in a cloud of profanity (here I can be wrong ...) and I have a vague memory that his career was considered the to be on the way down.

It can probably explain the labre interest from European concert promoters.

Next step: logistics. These were in a time where there actually existed a PA system in Bodø. Not to speak of other things that English band took for granted, "drum riser," lighting rig, backstage area "- you name it.

In short: If we were to hire Costello and wheel of fortune so we had to create out of nothing by far the largest "environment" around the concert that had ever been seen in Bodø.

And it occurred to me to compromise, British band and road managers were known to be uncompromising terms. equipment. And I can still understand. It is important to meet all the requirements so that you do not spoil out.

Moreover, fee. I can honestly say that I do not remember what was the fee requirement. In addition, tickets for Elvis, the band, road crew and hangers-on. And the hotel! To all! Obesity on the plane! Catering! Unforeseen expenses!! Plus logistics as described above. So the exercise that was to summarize all expense records - it just tore my heart out.

Could such items of expenditure defended against the public interest? Yes, there were some "die hard" fans here in Bodø. Among other things I remember from the old Inside Discotheque that DJs put pride into playing "Watching The Detectives" every time the place was frequented by plainclothes police officers on undercover patrol - (they were easily recognizable ...!).

But for 99 percent of bodø Varings as was unfortunately the response "Elvis kafførnåkka?!?!?! - He e the dead. " So it was easy to imagine a perfectly wonderful Costello concert either in front or at Kino Sine with 46 paying spectators.

The situation was not helped by the Bodo Rock club lived from hand to mouth. If we had a surplus arrangement with the crowd magnets like. Little Freddy, Nøkken or Jonas Fjeld Band, so we used often surplus to arrange concerts with unknown local or national bands. No one asked about the gig would be unwelcome at the club.

So bank account was bunnskrapt.Så with crowns zero bakhanda, and quite serious financial obligations on the horizon, it was the only way to realize Costello dream that I had to personally guarantee for all expenses for the planned concert.

Occasionally, a young and promising concert organizer will be faced with choices that are not easy to take. But I am quite sure that if I had agreed to Elvis Costello at the time, I had still paid on the loan which I had been obliged to take up. And it did not seem particularly alluring. Neither then or now.

Sure. So I chickened out and gave my friend in Oslo told that unfortunately impossible for us to arrange a concert with Costello.

Sure, I could achieved an unprecedented and eternal legend as "the boy who arranged Costello in Bodo" ​​- and it had the been something to have on your CV! - However it could unfortunately not at all do.

Marketing Manager of the Festival, Linda Skipnes Beach is pleased with the response to Costello contest:

- It is clear that Costello has some loyal fans here in the city, most of the suggestions came from people who had all his records. Certainly, both on vinyl and cd. And it's very impressive considering how incredible number plates Costello has released over the years, says marketing manager justifying the choice of the winner as follows:

- Tor Olav chose simply because we thought it was a very good story. We did not realize that Costello ALMOST had been in Bodø before, and we are the happy that we could help him finally come to town. With the vast majority of rider demands fulfilled, says Skipnes Service with a smile.
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Re: Nordland Music Festival, Bodo (Norway), August 2, 2013

Post by sweetest punch »

The rehearsels:

Costello gleder seg

- Jeg tror det blir en fin kveld, sa Elvis Costello, tre timer før konsertstart. Se bilder fra øvingen!

Han var lykkelig over å få møte festivalprofil Svante Henrysson igjen. De to har spilt sammen flere ganger. Ikke minst på albumet Costello gjorde sammen med Anne Sofie Otter.

- Vi har aldri spilt så langt nord før. Det er spesielt. Enda mer spesielt er det at det er så varmt så langt nord. Alle er ute i bikini i den tropiske varmen, sier Elvis Costello.

Godt humør var til stede under lydsjekken. En lydsjekk som etter hvert lignet mer og mer på en konsert. Både Costello og bandmedlemmene var i godt humør, det er definitivt ikke tilfeldighetene som rår når disse går på scenen litt over kl.21 i kveld.

Svante Henryson skal spille cello på tre låter. Det er på ”Shipbuliding”, ”Spooky Girlfriend” og ”Terpentine”.

- Forrige gang vi møttes var i 2004. Det var herlig å møte Costello igjen. Vi har hatt mailkontakt de siste månedene, og har øvd på partiene der jeg skal spille. Men det var noe annet å stå på scenen med hele bandet. Cello er jo ikke ment å passe til dette elektriske lydbildet, men vi har funnet en løsning som funker, sier Svante Henryson.

Sterk konsert

Konserten i Bodø Spektrum er langt fra utsolgt. Det var solgt drøyt tusen billetter i ettermiddag.

Alt tyder altså på at det blir en sterk konsert i kveld. I Adresseavisen fikk Elvis Costello og The Imposters en femmer på terningen for konserten i Trondheim i går. Der var det 3000 publikummere.
Google translation:

Costello looks forward

- I think it will be a nice evening, said Elvis Costello, three hours before the concert starts. See photos from the rehearsal!

He was delighted to meet festival profile Svante Henrysson again. The two have played together several times. Not least, the album Costello did with Anne Sofie Otter.

- We have never played this far north before. There are special. Even more special is that it is so hot that far north. Everyone is out in bikini in the tropical heat, says Elvis Costello.

good mood was present during soundcheck. A sound check that gradually more and more like a concert. Both Costello and the band members were in high spirits, it is definitely not random effect when these go on stage just over kl.21 tonight.

Svante Henryson to play cello on three tracks. It is the "Shipbuliding", "Spooky Girlfriend" and "Keep repeating Valentine".

- Last time we met was in 2004. It was lovely to meet Costello again. We have had email contact in recent months, and has practiced parties where I'll play. But there was nothing to stand on stage with the band. Cello's not supposed to fit this electric sound, but we have found a solution that works, says Svante Henryson.

Strong concert

The concert in Bodø Spektrum is far from sold out. It was sold more than a thousand tickets in the afternoon.

All indications are therefore that there is a strong concert tonight. In Adresseavisen got Elvis Costello and The Imposters with five stars for the concert in Trondheim yesterday. There were 3000 spectators.



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Re: Nordland Music Festival, Bodo (Norway), August 2, 2013

Post by docinwestchester »

Svante Henryson skal spille cello på tre låter. Det er på ”Shipbuliding”, ”Spooky Girlfriend” og ”Terpentine”.

Google translation:

Svante Henryson to play cello on three tracks. It is the "Shipbuliding", "Spooky Girlfriend" and "Keep repeating Valentine".

Hmmm...that last one's a strange sounding song, anyone know it?

Seriously, this sounds cool, especially the concept of Spooky with cello. What are their prior appearances together?
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Re: Nordland Music Festival, Bodo (Norway), August 2, 2013

Post by Man out of Time »

docinwestchester wrote:What are their prior appearances together?
According to the Wiki, they never have played together live, but Svante played on a number of tracks on "For The Stars" and co-wote Green Song. ... e_Henryson

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Re: Nordland Music Festival, Bodo (Norway), August 2, 2013

Post by sweetest punch » ... 1.11163413

– Vi er så langt nord, jeg føler meg svimmel

Fortalte Elvis Costello humoristisk til NRK. I dag åpner Nordland Musikkfestuke, med flere arrangementer på programmet.

Startskuddet for Nordland Musikkfestuke går i dag. Og det er ingen hvem som helst som sparker i gang showet. I ettermiddag hadde selveste Elvis Costello lydprøver i Bodø Spektrum.

Costello som er en av verdens mest kjente popartister, har gitt ut plater innenfor en rekke sjangre som: Punk, new wave, blues og country.

– Jeg tror vi kommer til å kose oss. Det er en flott dag, alle har vært ute i solen i bikini og jeg har sett flere som har stått på seilbrett. De kommer til å komme inn og være helt utmattet av det tropiske været vi nå opplever, sier han med et smil.

– Dette er første gang vi spiller så langt nord, jeg føler meg nesten litt svimmel.

Oscar Bodøgaard

Men det er ikke bare Castello som står på programmet til den Nord-Norske musikkfestuka. I dag skal nemlig den største utstillingen til Bodø-kunstneren Oscar Bodøgaard, som ville ha fylt 90 år i november, stilles ut. Der vil det bli vist bilder som aldri før er stilt ut tidligere.

– Det tar ikke mange minuttene før man føler at man tar del i livet til Bodøgaard, forteller forfatter Sølvi Ytterstad til NRK.

Harald Bodøgaard, er sønn av Oscar Bodøgaard, nå driver han galleriet Bodøgaard Kunst og Kultur. Galleristen har vært rundt i hele byen og lånt inn arbeider av sin far. Flere av bildene er kjøpt inn til offentlige og private bygg. Hele 170 bilder og skisser stilles nå ut.

– Pappa vil synes at det var stas

– Det er flere bilder som ikke har blitt vist tidligere, forteller Harald og viser frem en skisse av tre hester som Oscar Bodøgaard debuterte med på høstutstillingen i 1958, samme år som Harald ble født.

Oscar Bodøgaard sine bilder er anerkjent over hele verden.

– Jeg tror at pappa ville ha syntes at det ville vært veldig stas å få være her i dag. Jeg føler at han er her, avslutter han.
Google translation:

- We are so far north, I feel dizzy

Did Elvis Costello humorous to NRK. Today opens Nordland Music Festival, with several events on the program.

The race for Nordland Music Festival runs today. And it's not just anyone who kicks off the show. This afternoon had himself Elvis Costello samples in Bodø Spektrum.

Costello is one of the world's most famous pop stars, has released albums in a variety of genres: punk, new wave, blues and country.

- I think we're going to enjoy ourselves. It's a great day, everyone has been out in the sun in a bikini and I have seen several that have been on the surfboard. They're going to come in and be completely exhausted by the tropical weather we are now experiencing, he says with a smile.

- This is the first time we play so far north, I almost feel a little dizzy.

Oscar Bodøgaard

But it is not only Castello is on the agenda for the North Norwegian rock. Today namely the largest exhibition to Bodo artist Oscar Bodøgaard, who would have turned 90 years in November, set out. There it will be shown pictures never before been exhibited before.

- It does not take many minutes before you feel that you are taking part in the life of Bodøgaard, says author Sølvi Ytterstad to NRK.

Harald Bodøgaard, the son of Oscar Bodøgaard, now runs his gallery Bodøgaard Arts and Culture. Gallery Stone has been around town and borrowed works of his father. Several of the photos have been purchased for public and private buildings. The 170 photographs and sketches now displayed.

- Dad would think it was fun

- There are more pictures that have not been shown before, says Harald and shows off a sketch of three horses that Oscar Bodøgaard debut at the autumn exhibition in 1958, the same year that Harald was born.

Oscar Bodøgaard their images are recognized worldwide.

- I think Dad would have thought that it would be really fun to be here today. I feel that he is here, he says.

Since you put me down, it seems i've been very gloomy. You may laugh but pretty girls look right through me.
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Re: Nordland Music Festival, Bodo (Norway), August 2, 2013

Post by FAVEHOUR »

Man out of Time wrote:
docinwestchester wrote:What are their prior appearances together?
According to the Wiki, they never have played together live, but Svante played on a number of tracks on "For The Stars" and co-wote Green Song. ... e_Henryson

I think he was at the one and only US concert with Anne Sofie in NYC that I went to on 6/6/01. Wasn't he??

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Re: Nordland Music Festival, Bodo (Norway), August 2, 2013

Post by johnfoyle »


Elvis, Bodo, Norway tonight - photo by Kjell Magnusson
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Re: Nordland Music Festival, Bodo (Norway), August 2, 2013

Post by And No Coffee Table »

Sykt bra
Har det vært noen bedre rockekonserter i Bodø noen gang? Neppe!

Rune Slyngstad

Publisert 03.08.2013 kl 00:12 Oppdatert 03.08.2013 kl 00:15

Klokka er 21.04. De kommer på scenen. Allerede etter første låt, ”I Hope You’re Happy Now”, var det lett å ane hva dette kom til å bli. Nemlig en forrykende rockekonsert med Elvis Costello og hans tre helt fantastiske musikere i The Imposters.

Costello og bandet holdt et åpningstempo som om dette skulle ha vært på slutten av 70-tallet med musikere først i 20-årene. Det var knapt et sekund pause mellom låtene i første del av konserten. De pøste på med ”Blue Chair”, ”High Fidelity” og ”Radio Radio”, før de roet litt ned på en stilig versjon av ”Everyday I Write The Book”. Men også den var mer rocka enn på plate.

- How are you doing?

Publikum var med på notene. Det skulle bare mangle, og det har kanskje aldri vært bedre lyd i hallen enn dette. Den Springsteen-aktige ”Down In A Blue Chair” låt bare helt fantastisk. Det var låt nummer åtte. Nummer ni var den glimrende ”Accidents Will Happen”, og først da valgte Elvis Costello å rope et par setninger ut til publikum. How are you doing? It’s really a pleasure to be here, ropte han. Og slik så det ut også.

Han og The Imposters dro en lang versjon av ”Watching The Detectives” med en fet gitarsolo, etter hvert med hylende politisirener. Og så kom han på scenen; årets musikkfestukeprofil og en god venn av Costello, Svante Henryson. Populært må vite, og det låt fett på den stilige ”Spooky Girlfriend”.


Så roet de det hele ned med ”Shipbuilding”, en ramsalt kritikk til Storbritannias angrep på Falklandsøyene. Henryson gjorde en nydelig cellosolo midt i denne balladen mens Steve Nieve duellerte med ham på piano. Svante Henryson fikk også være med på den mektige og tøffe ”Terpentine”.

Deretter ble balladen ”She”, fra filmen ”Notting Hill”, tatt godt i mot av publikum. Både der og ellers i konserten var det lett å bli imponert over den fantastiske stemmen til Costello. Herlig.

Elvis Costello tok oss også med på reise tilbake til 1920- og 1930-tallet med låtene ”Slow Dance With Josephine” og ”Jimmie Standing In The Rain”.

Bredde og dynamikk

Costello har gjennom sin karriere vist at han ønsker å boltre seg i nesten hele musikkuniverset. Han prøvde til og med å lage pop som Abba en gang. Med ”Oliver’s Army” fikk han sin største hit, og med den startet han et lite mest-kjente-låter-kjør i Bodø spektrum. For etter den fikk vi ”(I Don’t Want To go to) Chelsea”, ”Pump It Up” og den sterke ”Peace, Love and Understanding”.

Etter det inviterte Costello seg selv tilbake til Bodø. Kanskje når det er vinter. Vi er venner nå, ikke sant? Slo han fast i en spørrende tone. Så kom den fantasiske avslutningen. Elvis Costello hadde litt energi og krefter igjen. Det var tre låter igjen. Først den nydelige balladen ”Alison”, en av de aller første låtene han ga ut. Så ”Red Shoes”.


Elvis Costello avsluttet med Prince-hiten ”Purple Rain”. Så stilig. Han har liksom nok låter selv. Prince skulle ha hørt Costello gjøre ”Purple Rain”. Det så og hørtes så lett ut.

Så er klokka 22.57. Elvis Costello & The Imposters har vært på scenen i en time og 53 minutter. Det er over. Det regner ikke. Ute er skyene snille og sommerlette. De er lilla!

Google translation (with the reference to "Turpentine" fixed):

Insanely good
Has there been a better rock concerts in Bodø ever? Hardly!

Rune Slyngstad

Published 08.03.2013 at 0:12 Updated 08/03/2013 at 00:15

The time is 21.04. They arrive on the scene. Already after the first song, "I Hope You're Happy Now", it was easy to sense what this was going to be. Namely a raging rock concert with Elvis Costello and his three absolutely brilliant musicians in The Imposters.

Costello and the band held an opening pace as if this should have been in the late 70's with musicians appeared in the 20s. There was barely a second pause between tracks in the first part of the concert. They poured in with "Blue Chair", "High Fidelity" and "Radio Radio", before they calmed down a little at a classy version of "Everyday I Write The Book". But it was more rock than on the plate.

- How are you doing?

The audience was part of the notes. It should, and it has perhaps never been better sound in the hall than this. The Springsteen-esque "Down In A Blue Chair" song just amazing. The song was number eight. Number nine was the brilliant "Accidents Will Happen", and only then chose Elvis Costello to shout a few sentences to the public. How are you doing? It's really a pleasure to be here, he said. And so it looked too.

He and The Imposters takes a long version of "Watching The Detectives" with a bold guitar solo, eventually with screaming police sirens. And then he came on stage, this year's musikkfestukeprofil and a good friend of Costello, Svante Henryson. Featured need to know, and it sounded fat on the stylish "Spooky Girlfriend".

Cello Solo

Then they calmed it all down with "Shipbuilding," a salty criticism of Britain's attack on the Falkland Islands. Henryson did a lovely cello solo in the middle of this ballad while Steve Nieve dueled with him on piano. Svante Henryson also got to be part of the powerful and tough "Turpentine".

Then, the ballad "She", from the film "Notting Hill", well received by the audience. Both there and elsewhere in the concert, it was easy to be impressed by the wonderful voice of Costello. Delightful.

Elvis Costello took us on a journey back to 1920 - and 1930 with the songs "Slow Dance With Josephine" and "Jimmie Standing In The Rain".

Latitude dynamics

Costello has shown his career that he wants to frolic in almost all the music universe. He even tried to make pop as Abba once. With "Oliver's Army" was his biggest hit, and with that he started a little best-known songs-run in Bodø spectrum. For after we "(I Do not Want to Go to) Chelsea", "Pump It Up" and the strong "Peace, Love and Understanding".

After the invited Costello himself back to Bodø. Maybe when it's winter. We're friends now, right? He stated in a questioning tone. Then came the fantasic ending. Elvis Costello had little energy and effort again. There were three songs again. First, the lovely ballad "Alison", one of the very first songs he released. So "Red Shoes".


Elvis Costello finished with Prince hit "Purple Rain". So classy. He has somehow enough songs themselves. Prince should have heard Costello doing "Purple Rain". It looked and sounded so easy out.

Then at 22.57. Elvis Costello & The Imposters have been on stage for an hour and 53 minutes. It is over. It does not rain. Outside the clouds kind and summer light. They are purple!

Hyllet Bodø som rockehovedstad
Elvis Costello kickstartet Nordland Musikkfestuke. Se videoer og bildeserie!

Sofie Braseth

Publisert 02.08.2013 kl 23:31 Oppdatert 03.08.2013 kl 00:33

Elvis Costello leverte en bunnsolid konsert i Bodø Spektrum fredag kveld. På forhånd var det solgt rundt 1000 billetter, og totalt var det 1100 som hadde løst inn billett for å se "Elvis in concert".

Store fans

Astrid Christensen (54), Anja Torgersen (52) og Ejner Mengel-Christensen (65) er alle tre store Costello-fans. De hadde benket seg rett foran scenen en halvtime før konsertstart, og hadde store forventninger til konserten.

- Han er allsidig, og spennende både musikalsk og menneskelig, sier Torgersen.

De tre har fulgt Costello siden 70-tallet.

- Men har har laget mye bra siden da, føyer Astrid Christensen til.

Tre ekstranumre

Torgersen hadde håpet å få høre "Allison", og det fikk hun, helt i slutten av settet på rundt to timer.

Elvis Costello med band gikk på scenen klokka 21, og spilte helt til klokka 23, da han gikk av etter tre ekstranumre.

Costello åpnet med "I hope you're happy now", og spilte blant annet også "Everyday I write a book", "Green Shirt" og "Accidents will happen". "Shipbuilding" ble framført sammen med festivalprofil Svante Henryson, og Costello spilte "She" fra Notting Hill og Prince sin "Purple Rain" som to av tre ekstranumre.


Det var en som vanlig bebrillet og hattebekledd Costello som inntok Bodø Spektrum med sitt band, bestående av trommis, keyboardist og bassist. Costello selv spilte gitar, og hadde festivalprofil Svante Henryson med som gjest på tre av låtene i settet, deriblant velkjente "Shipbuilding".

Costello inntok scenen nonchalant, men allikevel imøtekommende, tyggende på en tyggis som han beholdt i munnen store deler av konserten. Han sa lite første halvdel av settet, men halvveis løsnet det, og artisten kom både med anekdoter, vitser og utrop til publikum.

- Godt voksne

Cathrine Albrigtsen var skjenkesjef under arrangementet. Hun kan fortelle at det gikk mye i både øl og vin, men lite mineralvann...

- Det er stort sett godt voksne her, og mye menn. Det er mye blide, feststemte og spente mennesker her. Dette er første gang Elvis Costello er i Bodø, og det ligger en spenning og forventning i lufta. Jeg tror det blir kjempestemning her etter hvert, sa Albrigtsen i forkant av konserten.

Og stemning ble det.

Ordfører i Bodø Ole Henrik Hjartøy var blant dem som sang med under konserten. Han var sammen med sin kone Wenche og deres sønner Thomas og Joachim. Ifølge kona Wenche er ordføreren en ekte "musikkfrik".

- I '78 var første gang jeg hørte Elvis Costello, og "Watching The Detectives". Da var jeg solgt, gliser Hjartøy.

Dette var første gang ordføreren så Costello, og han forteller i etterkant av konserten at artisten innfridde forventningene.

- Konserten var helt topp. Elvis Costello leverte til de grader og innfridde alle mine ønsker.

Ordføreren røper at "Watching The Detectives" var en personlig favoritt.

- Det var den beste konserten på lang tid.

Google translation:

Hailed as Bodo rock capital
Elvis Costello kick started Nordland Music Festival. Watching videos and slide!

Sofie Braseth

Published 08/02/2013 at 11:31 p.m. Updated 08/03/2013 at 00:33

Elvis Costello delivered a rock-solid concert in Bodø Spektrum Friday night. Beforehand it was sold around 1,000 tickets, and overall it was in 1100 that had resolved the ticket to see "Elvis in concert".

Big fans

Astrid Christensen (54), Anja Torgersen (52) and Ejner Mengel-Christensen (65), all three major Costello fans. They had turnout in front of the stage half an hour before the concert starts, and had great expectations for the concert.

- He's versatile and exciting both musical and human, said Torgersen.

The three have followed Costello since the 70's.

- But have made a lot of good since then joins Astrid Christensen.

Three additional numbers

Torgersen had hoped to hear "Allison" and that she had, at the very end of the set in around two hours.

Elvis Costello and band took to the stage at 21, and played until at 23, when he resigned after three encores.

Costello opened with "I hope you're happy now," and played among other also "Everyday I write a book", "Green Shirt" and "Accidents will happen". "Shipbuilding" was performed along with a festival profile Svante Henryson and Costello recorded "She" from Notting Hill and Prince's "Purple Rain" as two of the three additional numbers.


It was as usual bespectacled and hattebekledd Costello who took Bodø Spektrum with his band, consisting of drummer, keyboardist and bassist. Costello himself played guitar and had festival profile Svante Henryson as a guest on three of the songs in the set, including the famous "Shipbuilding".

Costello took the stage casually, yet welcoming, chewing a gum which he held in his mouth most of the concert. He said little first half of the set, but half rolling, and the artist came both with anecdotes, jokes and cry to the public.

- Well adults

Cathrine Albrigtsen was bestowing boss during the event. She could tell that there was a lot of beer and wine, but little mineral water ...

- It is mostly mature adults here, and a lot of men. There is a lot of cheerful, festive and tense people here. This is the first time Elvis Costello is in Bodø, and there is an excitement and anticipation in the air. I think it is a great atmosphere here soon, said Albrigtsen prior to the concert.

And the mood was.

Mayor of Bodo Ole Henrik Hjartøy was among those who sang with the concert. He was with his wife Wenche and their sons Thomas and Joachim. According to his wife Wenche's mayor a true "musikkfrik".

- In '78 was the first time I heard Elvis Costello, and "Watching The Detectives". Then I was sold, grinning Hjartøy.

This was the first time the mayor saw Costello, and he said after the concert, the artist met expectations.

- The concert was top notch. Elvis Costello delivered to the degree and fulfilled all my wishes.

The mayor reveals that "Watching The Detectives" was a personal favorite.

- It was the best concert in a long time.

Short videos of "Radio, Radio" and "Spooky Girlfriend":
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Re: Nordland Music Festival, Bodo (Norway), August 2, 2013

Post by sweetest punch »

Since you put me down, it seems i've been very gloomy. You may laugh but pretty girls look right through me.
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Re: Nordland Music Festival, Bodo (Norway), August 2, 2013

Post by Man out of Time »

This is different. Around 1:42 you can just make out Svante Henryson on the left of the stage (as seen from the back of the auditorium).. I leave it to you to work out whether any forum members are visible at any point.

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Re: Nordland Music Festival, Bodo (Norway), August 2, 2013

Post by krm »

correct setlist for the Bodö show earlier this year:

I Hope your happy now
Heart of the city
Mystery Dance
Radio radio
Everyday I write the book
Either side of same town
Green shirt
Blue chair
Accidents will happen
All I´ve got to do (Lennon McCartney)
Watching the detectives
Spooky girlfriend*
Slow drag with Josephine
Jimmie standing in the rain + brother can you spare a dime
Olivers army
Pump it up
Whats so funny bout PL&U
Alison + I´ve been cheating
Red Shoes
Purple Rain

Svante Henryson joined on Cello for three songs.
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Re: Nordland Music Festival, Bodo (Norway), August 2, 2013

Post by Darkhorse »

On dime now... ... ?id=474979...

but it does sound rough...
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Re: Nordland Music Festival, Bodo (Norway), August 2, 2013

Post by krm »

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