Diana Krall in Warsaw, Poland

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invisible Pole
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Diana Krall in Warsaw, Poland

Post by invisible Pole »

Yep, she gave a concert a couple of hours ago at Warsaw Congress Hall.

Tickets were sold out within a couple of hours back in June but at some recent internet auction someone paid 2995 Polish zloties for two tickets, which is about 250 GBP for one ticket. Not bad, huh ?

This goes to show how popular she is over here. She's got legions of fans and her albums always make it to Top 10. It is also her very first visit in Poland, so you would expect her to be giving interviews, appearing on tv, posing for pictures etc.
Instead there's a complete ban on photographs, no appearance on tv, no meetings with media, no interviews. Very nice indeed. :?

Anyway, I wonder if tomorrow's reviews will somehow manage to mention Elvis' influence in her recent recordings.
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Post by scielle »

Actually as far as I know she's been there at least once before, back in '97 or '98, w studiu Agnieszki Osieckiej.

Anyhow, apparently she won over the Warsaw folk by working some Chopin Mazurkas into her solos, and gushing over how she got to play Paderewski's piano. Also played Tom Waits' Jockey Full of Bourbon...word is bootlegs are out there as people were snapping pics and recording left right and centre.

So there ya go.

She's headlining the Nobel Peace Prize concert in Oslo tomorrow 8)
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