Elvis eulogizes Bo Diddley

Pretty self-explanatory
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Elvis eulogizes Bo Diddley

Post by FAVEHOUR »

EC has written a long tribute to Bo Diddley which appears on the official website.
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Re: Elvis eulogizes Bo Diddley

Post by johnfoyle »

http://www.elviscostello.com/web/guest/ ... urce=30575



Bo Diddley was one of only two people to whom I’ve ever addressed a get-well note. That is people that I didn’t know, personally. The other was Ava Gardner but that is another story.

It was as if the mere idea of them, the very thought of them and the indelible mark that they made on their chosen fields made it preferable not to have to entertain a world without them.

Nevertheless, when the news of Bo Diddley’s passing hit the wires this afternoon, I was somewhat surprised to see my name in a list of rock and roll musicians who had come under his spell.

By then I’d been asked by a newspaper for my thoughts on the man and volunteered that there was a kind of rock and roll music for which only a tremolo guitar, a killer beat and one and a half chords were really needed. I’ve tried to live by that on a couple of occasions and it is not nearly as easy as it sounds.

Then if you put most R&B originals up against the cover versions cut by beat groups and rocking combos of the 60s and 70s, you’ll find a slower, more emphatic pulse that lays waste to cheap excitement and nervous energy of pale young imitators.

However, this is not the case with Bo Diddley. He has them beaten their own frantic game. The last time I had played “You Can’t Judge A Book By The Cover”, I had check that my turntable was not running fast. This thing is urgent.

Maybe it was that tremolo guitar or the ferocious use of maracas that makes the tempo appear as if it were rushing ahead. This record jumps out of the speakers and runs away up the hallway, screaming. Nobody ever played this number better.

In any case, people didn’t always take their Bo Diddley, head on. Buddy Holly took “that beat” into the charts with his own song, “Not Fade Away” and The Rolling Stones turned that same tune into something close to punk rock, while The Strangeloves had a hit on the Diddley beat, in 1965 with “I Want Candy”.

Even though that record still sounds fantastic today, “The Strangeloves” were actually a bizarre pop-punk scam, the invention of the songwriting team behind the title, who insisted the “group” pretend to be sheep-shearers from Australia for reasons that remain obscure today.

New versions of that tune seem to hit the airwaves about every ten years and some of them with even less obvious claims to “authenticity”, that most over-rated of pop virtues. Still, Bo Diddley didn’t have too much time for imitators.

Nevertheless, my favourite “Bo Diddley” song, not written by Bo Diddley was “Rosalyn” by The Pretty Things”. At least they had the decency to name themselves after one of Bo’s records.

If you are reading this then you probably know all the great Bo Diddley cuts and the cover versions too. My favourite Bo Diddley cover? That’s got to be “Pills” by the New York Dolls. What else?

However, if you still want to hear something really unhinged, check out “Mumblin’ Guitar” or “Hush Your Mouth” from Bo Diddley “Chess Box Set”.


I only saw Bo play live once and that was in Australia during the 1980s. He was second on a double bill with Chuck Berry.

Now Chuck is infamous for leading his often, inexperienced pick-up band accompanists a merry dance of perverse rhythm changes and tricky key signatures and this night was no exception.

I remember very little else about Chuck’s performance, except for a rather sweet and faithful rendition of Nat Cole’s “Ramblin’ Rose” – which he preceded with the remark, “And now for some REAL music”, as if his own compositions amounted to nothing at all.

The little I recall is in stark contrast to every beat of Bo Diddley’s set, which was hammered into my memory. He couldn’t possibly have played every song I would have liked to hear in the time available but I recall a stupendous version of “Mona”, which made be forget all about the Quicksilver Messenger Service.

At the end of the set, a rather nervous M.C. took the central microphone, as Bo continued to vamp out the rhythm of his final number. He made an erratic flapping gesture and yelled, “The Legendary Bo Diddley!!!” and started for the wings.

Bo, stopped him, said something in his ear and sent him out centre stage…

“The Incredible”, “The Amazing” and “The Fantastic” were all auditioned, in turn, as tributes, followed by that same bolting run for wings and the same slumped tramp of shame back out into the spotlight, as the M.C. once again failed to measure Bo Diddley’s achievements.

This seemed to go on for five or ten minutes, although I accept that it was probably less. Nobody was complaining. The place was in uproar, as Bo and band churned on with “that beat”.

Finally, in desperation, the hapless comperé sprinted to the microphone and blurted out, “The originator of ALL MUSIC! Bo Diddley!” and the great man was satisfied and brought the number to close.

Later that evening, I found myself in small and crowded hotel elevator with “The Originator of All Music”. He was still wearing his black cape-like smock and his gunslinger Stetson.

I was a little disappointed to see that his sheriff’s badge was actually cut out of that rainbow reflective foil that you see at the funfair and stores selling party favours. I suppose we should all take that up with those who bought his songs for a pittance and those who never paid him his due…

Staring at my equally unimpressive shoes, we rode up a few flights together and I didn’t dare utter a word. It was a close to greatness as I care to get.
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Re: Elvis eulogizes Bo Diddley

Post by verbal gymnastics »

Elvis never fails to amaze me.
Who’s this kid with his mumbo jumbo?
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Re: Elvis eulogizes Bo Diddley

Post by johnfoyle »

Nevertheless, my favourite “Bo Diddley” song, not written by Bo Diddley was “Rosalyn” by The Pretty Things”. At least they had the decency to name themselves after one of Bo’s records.
http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/ ... 122319.ece

From The Sunday Times
June 15, 2008

Going for a song

Robert Sandall on Rosalyn by the Pretty Things

I like to think it was the first record I bought, but even if it wasn’t, Rosalyn, by the Pretty Things, was definitely the first that made me realise my parents had a point when they complained that this pop stuff I’d become addicted to — much to their horror — wasn’t music, it was “just noise”. That was precisely what I loved about Rosalyn.

In the summer of 1964, when I turned 12, the Pretty Things had me lying on the living-room floor with my ears pressed against the big speaker of the family radiogram, listening over and over to a song — no, a sound — that was exhilaratingly disrespectful of melody, harmony and everything else I’d been taught that a song, even one by a beat group, was supposed to contain. Rosalyn broke all the known rules. As far as I could work out, it used two, maybe three, notes, which the singer delivered in a throaty roar, like a dog barking. Though the lyric insisted that he was pretty keen on this girl, and that she was “the one” for him, he sounded unusually annoyed about it.

Unlike every other guitar group I’d heard, the Pretty Things didn’t bother with solos, preferring a fierce and thick rhythmic strum that rattled and shook in time with a maracas. The drummer seemed to spend most of the song whacking the cymbals before launching into a furious rumble on his tom-toms at the end. All in all, Rosalyn was the most majestic racket I had ever heard. Nothing in my suburban, homework-riddled existence conjured such a powerful sense of freedom.

The fact that Rosalyn never showed up on Alan Freeman’s Sunday-afternoon chart rundown, Pick of the Pops — and was played only occasionally on Radio Luxembourg, where I first heard it late one night — enhanced my conviction that I was way ahead of the game here. From then on, those playground arguments about the relative merits of the Beatles and the Stones never interested me. The Pretty Things made Jagger and co sound like the height of good taste. Having seen a picture of the five of them, scowling for the camera in Disc and Music Echo, they looked more dangerous than the Stones, too — closer to a bunch of escaped convicts than pop stars.

I learnt more about them as time went by:that their guitarist, Dick Taylor, had preceded Bill Wyman as the Stones’ bass player, and that they’d taken their fabulously provocative name — along with their ferociously rhythmic attack — from an American bluesman, Bo Diddley. After buying several more Pretties’ singles, all good, but none as mesmerising as their first, it dawned on methat the out-of-body excitement I felt hearing Rosalyn as a 12-year-old might be hard to recapture. So it has been; but I’m still trying.
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Re: Elvis eulogizes Bo Diddley

Post by johnfoyle »

Allen Toussaint talks about Bo -

http://www.npr.org/templates/player/med ... m=91090312

Allen Toussaint Remembers Bo Diddley on WBGO

[3 min 33 sec]
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